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SW7 Competition

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Yay! We can stop being secretive now :)

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Gotta enter this on Sunday! Wow, this is amazing! I can't wait! I've never stayed at the hotels before, or had any fast track!
If I won, I'd take my Mum and Dad, and best friend Paulina :) Its a pitty (not!) that my brothers only 10- he would love it! (I'd rather him not come anyway! He'd spoil it!!)
Lets cross our fingers!

Now... Kiss ass moment!
And may I thank Towers Street for being such an amazing forum, and getting this prize organized is far better than anything I've ever seen on other forums ever!
We were going to do our big reveal tomorrow night, but we were so excited about it all (and lots of people had guessed... although there were some strange guesses we were concerned about hence the hint dropping along the way!!) that we just had to reveal it today instead for you all!

(Plus it means I can go and see The Hobbit and had nothing to do with me wanting to go out tomorrow evening instead of having to stay in to launch everything like I was going to have to... double bonus! *coughcoughcough* :p)

Don't forget the competition form will open up tomorrow at 7.30pm still though, and get thinking on those reasons you should have the chance to #getcorrected with this Alton Towers Resort package! :p
Ooo, how exciting :)

*gets thinking caps on*

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We're planning to reveal some of the best (and worst) throughout and after the competition, so make sure you put some thought in ;)
I just want to take the opportunity as others have to thank AT and TST for the chance to be part of this fantastic competition.

Good luck everyone!
Oooh that's a great prize, I wasn't expecting a behind the scenes tour! I'll certainly be entering!

Also just so you know, there's a typo in the news article!

Entries will close on 31st December 2012, and the winner shall be announced shortly after. Until them, good luck!

It should be then! ;)

Thanks to the team and Towers for this, it's brilliant!

Whoops, I was planning an essay until I realised that it said 100 words not 1000 :p
I am glad it not 100 characters, I have problems getting stuff down to a size of a tweet :D
I think i will wait till 9pm to help balance server loading
Good luck everyone who is entering, this is one of the times Im gutted to be a team member because I cant even enter. *humpf*
Ben said:
Good luck everyone who is entering, this is one of the times Im gutted to be a team member because I cant even enter. *humpf*

Can't you even enter for putting in a good joke application?
The competition is now live!

Get entering, and remember, we'll be looking for some of the best answers to feature on the site and forums :D

Visit the competition page and read through for the rules and how to enter.

Good luck!
Jem8472 said:
Ben said:
Good luck everyone who is entering, this is one of the times Im gutted to be a team member because I cant even enter. *humpf*

Can't you even enter for putting in a good joke application?

If only you could see the test applications we've submitted! HA!
Good Luck, everyone - and make sure you share the competition as much as possible whether on Facebook, Twitter or just word of mouth - as this is such a great opportunity for any Alton Towers fan!

Sent in mine! I would kill for it to be me! :p Also tweeting now, thanks TS and Towers, opportunity of a lifetime!
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