My one and only essay on the matter.
A bit of an explainer on my own position.
Had a lot of discussion with my customers over the last week over the looming Brexit deadline.
Had mentioned this excellent topic on here, and how more had been said on Brexit than coasters recently.
The general broad rule of "elderly want out, younger want in" holds true, however, the two mature very high income households both want to remain in Europe, for purely financial reasons, they know that they have far more to lose.
One wanted to leave from his heart, he has knowledge and experience of European influence on his land over several decades.
He knows what the CAP has done for the countryside and agribusiness as a whole.
Set aside is a farce, but what can you do...
He was happy with the status quo.
But he didn't like how the system was set up.
The other was a senior figure in manufacturing, loaded, modest, and a real decent old gent.
From someone at the opposite end of the economy and politics, over the years I have developed a great deal of respect for him, he lives his life the right way, and probably gives more to charity in a year than I will in my lifetime.
Again, his heart said leave, his wallet said stay, and he knows a hard brexit would be a disaster, not for him, but for his grandchildren's education.
Both have mentioned how new community rules have got in the way of their business...our way or no way...and the removal of internal tarrifs has led to internal trade protectionism and massive increases in transport costs and logistics.
Europe only makes sense for Europe...there is no logic in flying tomatoes from Spain, when we can grow them in Ormskirk.
There is no logic in making a plane in seven different countries, to low loader all the parts round the continent for construction, but protectionism for individual nations means it happens..
I can remember being promised a common market in the first referendum, there was no agreement on the social and political aspects, just...purely...the economic.
In my youth, European economists created butter, beef, and grain mountains, and lakes of millions and millions of gallons of wine and milk.
Yet millions starved, at exactly the same time, in Africa and the Asian subcontinent.
Planes and airports, good for big business, tourism and lets push forward.
90% of flights are not needed.
We know what it does for the planet.
So much for well intentioned macroeconomic principles.
France made some effort as far as famine was concerned, but the rest of the community stood by and let it all happen.
The Tories hated Europe after the social chapter was agreed to, the European Community was then seen by many as a centre left group...and many could still remember the French not wanting us to join the party, as we were under the thumb of the we still are.
My main concern for us staying in Europe is the rise of the far right on the land continent...they are gaining seats, and continue to grow.
The far right here only gains seats in Europe, or on councils for a year or two.
Can't wait to leave, hopefully with a negotiated agreement.
As a good left wing lump of throbbing gristly gammon.