I fully agree that many of the current issues aren't caused by the current government, and that a Labour government might not change certain things.
However, what a Labour government could do is spend money differently to our current government and introduce different taxation policies so that more money can be spent on things such as public services and financial help to those who need it most.
Huge parts of the countries problems are caused by the current government. Couple of examples:
1) They sold off public assets (post office etc), increasing cost of using the service.
2) They have decreased real terms funding for the NHS, it’s never had such bad performance. Life expectancy has stalled and preventative schemes where cut increasing the burden on acute services.
3) Put aside the rights and wrongs of brexit in principle as that’s a far more emotive debate but they have gone for a harder brexit than anyone in the leave campaign publically advocated for, making it harder to trade with our closest neighbour and therefore increasing prices and crippling freedom of moment for UK residents.
4) Culled local government funding, reducing adult care facilities to the point nearly 20% of NHS beds are filled with people who are fit to leave hospital but there is nowhere for them to go.
5) Introduced austerity, even though the IFS said they didn’t need to go reduce national debt, this led to increases in child poverty and the above mentioned NHS failures. It also increases inequality in living standards (only Bulgaria is worse in European rankings).
6) Highest covid death rate in Europe due to the earlier muddled, strategy.
Yes, a new government will change taxation around a bit, give something with one hand and take it away with another. They will reorganise spending pots, but its probably not going to make much difference.
Contrary to what a lot of people believe, governments (whoever they are), don't try and p*ss people off deliberately. Ultimately they are trying to get re-elected and want to do the best for the country as a whole. But I do think they can become a bit complacent if they are in power too long.
So definitely time for a change.
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Governments don’t aim to get caught, the Tories only care about improving things for rich people.
Going right back here, but didn't Butcher Blair have that very option, but decided against changing the tax system to create a more equal society, in the gross chase for future votes.
He had the chance to make a more equal society, but chose to chase re-election instead...no votes in tax rises apparently.
Thatcher's "greed is good" philosophy stuck hard...and here we are, the rich richer than ever, the poor getting poorer, hungrier and colder by the day.
Too late for Labour now...the massive jump to the right should have been stopped a generation ago.
There wasn’t a whole lot Labour had planned for tax, they did reform quite a bit but I would say they didn’t go far enough and most reforms where reversed once the Tories returned power.
Contrary to popular belief Starmer isn’t that centre, he has wrote articles supporting elements of Marxism in the past and he is further left than Blair. He is certainly not as far left as Corbyn, but then that extreme is toxic to British voters, so unless Labour got good at masking how far left they actually are, like the Tories mask how far right they are (they are trying hence the public softening of nationalisation when most Labour insiders say it’s still a priority), they won’t win power.
Personally I do find Starmer lacks something but his political position isn’t my issue with him. But that’s personal preference really.
Just to state I don’t think a Labour government would be a magic bullet, I do however think another round of Tory rule will destroy the last remnants of the NHS and social protections and lead to more disjointed and ultimately toxic society, so I will take a less than perfect Labour government over that.