Feeling absolutely overloaded with uni work atm and just spending so many days totally miserable. My workload is very intense since I haven't balanced my modules over the semesters, and they're so much harder this year and when I've asked for 1 to 1 help I was essentially laughed at by my tutor. The stress of living in a dirty horrible student house has started to get to me, and the only things I seem to be enjoying anymore is going out, which is draining my bank and also definitely not helping me in the long run, and seeing my boyfriend, who goes to uni in a different city so that hardly happens. Tried to receive support from the uni but it's just an absolute shambles and I feel like they're not taking my issues seriously. Without going into detail my mental health is just awful and I'm still getting the 'have you tried a cup of tea and a hot shower' level of advice. Plus I feel like people don't appreciate the stress of going to uni and having a job, people my age in uni but unemployed don't know the stress of trying to balance it, and older people seem quite belittling. I've barely sorted any christmas presents, and I'd like to do some drawings as gifts because I can draw but I have no motivation to draw these days and I doubt by now I'll have time. Just feeling so overwhelmed and in need of a rant. Once my work is submitted in Jan I think I'll feel much better, especially since I have less modules next term, but for now I'm really struggling.