TS Member
Look at my response to Satch's post. The same seams apropriat for you.Simon said:Didn't get the job. Another escape door slams in my face.
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Look at my response to Satch's post. The same seams apropriat for you.Simon said:Didn't get the job. Another escape door slams in my face.
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Natalie said:Kinda questioning my skills in all areas of my life as I always strive to be the best at what ever I turn my hand to, it's the competitive nature in me. But at the minute I've just got two huge learning curves in the last week and I'm starting to think am I really good enough for either of these challenges? These challenges being a new relationship and a new job.
Vicki said:I'm about to graduate, in a subject where it's going to be very hard for me to work (film/tv production) because I can't drive.
Not through choice mind, my eyesight isn't good enough. I can operate a camera no problem, but I just can't drive, and it seems that even in London, all entry level jobs, even in post production, want you to be able to drive
I'm really into photography, and I'm good at that too, but again, same issue.
I've got a freelance editing job starting in September, running til May, for around 5-8 hours work a week (from home) but that's only £50 a week, for 25 weeks, so after that, and during, I need another plan.
I dunno, I just feel disheartened by the whole media industry thing, and don't know what other jobs I'd be good at, and enjoy.
badger said:This is for Satch and Simon.
Satch, when you're feeling down, just look into the best mirror of your soul..... Simon's eyes.
Charlee said:I have to spend my next 4 English lessons writing an essay about how ambition is portrayed in Macbeth, KILL ME.
Joseph said:Stevie your comment seems to ignored and I feeling very sorry for you in this moment of time. Its a shame your friend has started to block you out of his life and I know you've been having problems identifying your sexual preferance, could it be that whats bugging him? (Please don't take this in a offensive manner.) I personaly hate it when people start talking about sexual orientation, I also am very confused in this moment in time with building freindships and trying to discover my sexuality.I'm not sure if im straight,gay or Bi-curious? huh![]()
Is it definitely beyond redemption?Adam said:Whilst I am happy for those that pass with flying colours, unfortunately I've failed my second year at university due to a groupwork module where I only obtained 37 marks, with the pass mark required being 40.