Sympathise with that - in the last few months, it's needed me to do some particularly unfortunate things to remind the NHS that I exist. Alas, the consequence has been seeing every GP in my local practice (all of whom told me slightly different things, and the best of whom annoyingly was only there temporarily), can get to feel a bit like you're chasing your tail.
Alas, you do have to be persistent sometimes. I've also learned that so-called talking therapies quickly just become another source of frustration - sure, I can talk in circles once a week about what's happened, what's upset me blablaba, but all it seems to do is create more unanswered questions, when what I could do with is an answer and a reason to look forwards rather than backwards for once!
I've battled with these things on and off for over a decade now, and when a certain person screams at me "No, I DON'T know what's wrong with you, and I'm sick of this, I think you need to see a doctor..." it only makes me more determined to get to the bottom of it and sort my bloody life out. That was 2 months ago, and it still hurts, and therein lies the problem.
There... may have gone off the point a little, but venting is good