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The Retrosquad: General Discussion

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Step back to the Merlin acquisition in 2007.

If you knew that 15 years later, we'd have multiple funfair rides in lieu of permanent rides (which all died/were removed) I don't see how anybody would welcome it.

It is regressive.

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we should be grateful
Absolutely not! I can't stress this enough, never be grateful to corporations for supplying you with the very bare minimum they can get away with!

That's buying into their preferred talking point, that they are doing the absolute best they can. They are not. Merlin could have fixed this problem many times over and still have made a healthy profit.
In that vein though, we should be grateful if they put in one of those coin operated rides you see in shopping centres in those spaces?
The issue is that Alton is supposed to be the best theme park in the UK. People pay a lot of money to go there and experience rides you can’t experience anywhere else. Anyone can go to a travelling funfair and go on rides you would expect to see at a travelling funfair.

While I don’t disapprove of the retro squad as a temporary measure two years ago, I can’t help this has become a cheap way for them to fill empty spaces rather than actually invest in something unique and fitting for the best theme park in the UK
The (theme) park was founded on funfair rides, the more the merrier for me.

Most themed areas at Alton Towers are now in a such a poorly maintained/dated state they do not feel immersive at all. These flats are therefore minimally intrusive, but granted they hardly enhance the concept of it being a 'theme' park.
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I've never ridden that. Trabants are fun though, so one with outward facing seats should be good.

Fugly though, isn't it? Seems to be the hugest slab of bare metal for no real reason.
Yeah I'm not sure if I'd like that or not. I would hope the cycle at Towers will be less intense than on the fair circuit. Twistasaurus at Mingo made me feel queasy, so this might be worse.
One hand? Themed attractions and carefully crafted theming such as Wicker Man and Curse at Alton Manor.

How can one organisation deliver such polarising quality!?

Well look at Thorpe, they have the swarm, had DBGT these highly themed attractions and then the actual park itself is pretty dire.

Don’t get me wrong alton towers isn’t as bad, but the themed areas aren’t there anymore.

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