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The Retrosquad: General Discussion

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A bit of seating down in X-Sector would be nice until they get a permanent flat down there. Several picnic tables etc, or at least a number of benches. As others have said, with the focus on the new iteration of Nemesis next year and a new shop in FV, the smart money would be on any potential new flat ride being placed there next (if there is any new flat ride at all).
I wonder if there will be any mention of the Retro Squad in the fireworks display? They made a point of showing them in the animation, and what with there potentially being more drones this year (based on the NOTAM in the summer) I wonder if the drones could also play a part?
The positive I'm taking from this news is the hope of Hex returning next year. As much as I don't like the Retro Squad they did serve a purpose. I'm wondering if the returning capacity monster Nemesis and possible return of Hex is what's made them make this decision. I'm not convinced any new permanent flats will be coming next season but at least one would be nice 🤞.
I personally think, despite the fact that I want some, that there will be no new flat rides next season.
I think they will get some flat rides although having seen what Chessington got I am a bit worried Towers will get cheap rides from SBF Visa that are not really suitable for a large park. A Forbidden Valley flat would make sense as a tie-in to Nemesis and I hope X-Sector gets something as otherwise it would just be Smiler and Oblivion.
For now any additional capacity and experience would be good for me, SBF or otherwise.

Surely Merlin could reach at least to Zamperla?

Definite need for some flats. Even some traditional style ones like the old Toadstool wouldn't go amiss.

Unlikely we'll see anything as they'll rely on Nemesis and Hex next year, then Horizon the year after. Continuing the issue that has plagued the park for a while.
I don't think there'll be more rides. The park will be net up on capacity with Nemesis and without the 3/4 funfair rides (they're all funfair rides, I know, I know). Add Hex back in that mix and it'll be a huge year-to-year boost.

I know this is still down on 2021/2, and way down on pre Smiler crash capacity, but it is what it is.

Hope I'm wrong, it has certainly been known, but that's my prediction.
It would probably make more sense to install family / kiddie flat rides in the predominantly thrill orientated areas to add variation.

Hopefully we can get something new next year, even if it's just a minor addition.
Anything, even if it was small, would be a good step in the right direction, and show a good intention.
Forbidden Valley had the perfect ratio. Extreme coaster, thrill Coaster which is more accessible, extreme flat ride, family flat ride, dark ride.
If the flat was still Ripsaw this would be bang on. Funk imo is family friendly isn't it but I might be wrong
Forbidden Valley had the perfect ratio. Extreme coaster, thrill Coaster which is more accessible, extreme flat ride, family flat ride, dark ride.

Also sit down restaurant (rollercoaster), coffee shop, takeaway burgers and ice cream & donut kiosk, as well as an arcade. Other than maybe a playground for smaller kids that area did have most things covered.
I’d be quite happy with a thrilling Zamperla flat - I would obviously prefer something from Huss but they’ve got some decent enough stuff in their line up too like the Windshear. I don’t even mind a Nebulaz myself (even though they’re not that thrilling).

The SBF Visa Sky Loop doesn’t look completely horrendous (if it was available as a park model) if SBF was the route the park wanted to go down, kind of like a wish.com Top Scan almost, but I don’t know how you’d theme one. Plus it still looks cheap, garish and low capacity.
If there is a series of flats to replace the Retrosquad, the park's main concern should be throughput and reliability. So they should go for flat rides that are fairly established in the industry.

If they need some USP I'm sure the park is creative enough to design a theme that will sell it, whilst still fitting into the area it occupies. I'm not one for "it should exist within the continuity of..." and I'm more than happy to have an attraction that serves as a unique extension of the area, similar to how Burial Grounds serves as an anarchic successor to the main Wicker Man story, or how Sub Terra serves as an extension to Nemesis.

Personally, it would be great if new flats also complimented each other on the lineup. At the very least the park needs one more pendulum-based ride and one more round ride. With at least one being more overt thrill and another more family thrill. Something airtime-based like Mixtape was would be a crowd-pleaser for sure also.
If there is a series of flats to replace the Retrosquad, the park's main concern should be throughput and reliability. So they should go for flat rides that are fairly established in the industry.

If they need some USP I'm sure the park is creative enough to design a theme that will sell it, whilst still fitting into the area it occupies. I'm not one for "it should exist within the continuity of..." and I'm more than happy to have an attraction that serves as a unique extension of the area, similar to how Burial Grounds serves as an anarchic successor to the main Wicker Man story, or how Sub Terra serves as an extension to Nemesis.

Personally, it would be great if new flats also complimented each other on the lineup. At the very least the park needs one more pendulum-based ride and one more round ride. With at least one being more overt thrill and another more family thrill. Something airtime-based like Mixtape was would be a crowd-pleaser for sure also.
It's a shame they didn't just repair or replace the rides they had like for like. Ripsaw, Enterprise and Wave swinger all still hold up today, wouldn't have had to do any ground work or planning permission either.
With Nemesis back next year and possibly Hex they'll think that's enough
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