I really wish I could join in celebrating the demise of these ugly, tacky and immersion ruining contraptions. But then we'll be back to being left with nothing yet again. We had a taste what we'll return to this year with Dark Forest, once again returning to being just a lifeless area with little theming, a large fence, 2 coasters and nothing else to do. Just a corner of the park where you go to tick off 2 coasters.
Applauding the reopening of existing attractions such as Sub Terra, Nemesis and Hex, whilst casually overlooking the fact that we've actually lost another permanent flat during the Retrosqauds tenure, is a sign of how bad things are and how normalised these low expectations have become. There was a time not very long ago when Forbidden Valley had 5 attractions, Dark Forest had 3, Fountain Square/Williams Cuckoo Dungeon World had 8 and X Sector had 4, concurrently.
Let's go for the new higher end prediction (not guaranteed) of at least 1 new addition next year and say that they're insane enough to put it in Forbidden Valley rather than X Sector. That'll leave the park with the following gains/losses compared with around decade ago - FV (-), DF (-1), FS/WW (-1, I refuse to count the upcharge attraction), XS (-2). X Sector would be particularly badly effected as you'll now walk all the way down that steep hill to find just 2 coasters and 2 obviously flat ride grave sites.
Of course that's just numbers and not quality. Wobble World is now a Dark ride. You wouldn't worry about a couple of flats moving elsewhere if the Dungeons went back to being a new family dark and the cinema reopened, but we know that's not going to happen next season.
If Retrosqaud were garish sticking plasters, then in reality, next season the wounds will just be left open like they were before. Other than not having to see and hear them anymore, on balance over the last few years we'll only be marginally better off than we were in 2016. Once again, a tenner was taken from your hand years ago, they've held on to it for a while and given you a fiver back with the other. Bright future eh?