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The Retrosquad: General Discussion

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I just genuinely don't get this place's obsession with the Retrosquad as if there is a gaping flat ride chasm in the ride line-up. Universal are opening a new park in a little over a year's time and within the entire place there are two flat rides and one of those is a carousel.

And it'll have absolutely zero impact on ticket sales nor everyone raving about how good the place is.

To be fair if Alton Towers had rides of the quality of Universal it would obviously be far less of an issue.
I rode three of them I think:
Roller Disco (I think? The waltzer by Thirteen), at least run it on a half decent setting, it was so slow.
The one in X sector (not the one on Enterprise's grave) - alright I suppose. Nothing special
F(l)unk n fly (on Ripsaw's grave) - aka the thigh crusher. Never been in such pain on a ride before! Wow.

Of all of them, the only one I'd be happy seeing made permanent is roller disco run on a decent cycle, a nice fast waltzer would fit well in that patch of empty land by thirteen.
Retro Squad were fantastic for what they were, a sticking plaster and a quick fix for years of underinvestment and poor maintenance of existing flat rides. The theming was measured and considered, for what they were, but they were always going to be temporary. The park is aware of its capacity problems, it's why they brought in RS in the first place. The park have said, on many occasion, that RS is/was a temporary solution to capacity issues whilst they work on more permanent solutions.

It's clear that Merlin's parks are getting the kind of level of investment we haven't seen since the Tussaud's days in the 90s and early 2000s. It's a new Merlin, they do have a long way to go, but they're clearly trying to earn our faith and trust back. The moves that they've been making are all about getting their parks back to a world class standard, but they're having to turn a very big ship around and it can take some time. Can we not all be a little bit more optimistic, hopeful and give them a chance? The secrecy of their plans, and little to no communication on certain issues is frustrating, but isn't that sort of really what we like? If we were constantly told absolutely everything that was happening, all of the time, where would the fun be?
Retro Squad were fantastic for what they were, a sticking plaster and a quick fix for years of underinvestment and poor maintenance of existing flat rides. The theming was measured and considered, for what they were, but they were always going to be temporary. The park is aware of its capacity problems, it's why they brought in RS in the first place. The park have said, on many occasion, that RS is/was a temporary solution to capacity issues whilst they work on more permanent solutions.

It's clear that Merlin's parks are getting the kind of level of investment we haven't seen since the Tussaud's days in the 90s and early 2000s. It's a new Merlin, they do have a long way to go, but they're clearly trying to earn our faith and trust back. The moves that they've been making are all about getting their parks back to a world class standard, but they're having to turn a very big ship around and it can take some time. Can we not all be a little bit more optimistic, hopeful and give them a chance? The secrecy of their plans, and little to no communication on certain issues is frustrating, but isn't that sort of really what we like? If we were constantly told absolutely everything that was happening, all of the time, where would the fun be?

I dont think they are trying to earn anyones faith or trust back, certainly not the enthusiasts. More a case of years of neglect and underinvestment coming back to bite them as their ageing hardware is all kicking the bucket in quick succession. I would say all of this is reactive rather than proactive, and only time will tell whether that attitude shifts going forward.

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I dont think they are trying to earn anyones faith or trust back, certainly not the enthusiasts. More a case of years of neglect and underinvestment coming back to bite them as their ageing hardware is all kicking the bucket in quick succession. I would say all of this is reactive rather than proactive, and only time will tell whether that attitude shifts going forward.

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Removing capacity, in the form of regularly serviced travelling fairground rides, is reactive and not proactive? I'm really not sure I understand.
Removing capacity, in the form of regularly serviced travelling fairground rides, is reactive and not proactive? I'm really not sure I understand.

I’m referring to the fact they had to have them in the first place. Equally if they are actually are replacing the Retrosquad they are doing so out of necessity because everything else has died. There isn’t any indication that there are any permanent flats coming imminently either.

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Let’s be fair to towers here, we moaned there were not enough flats and filler rides so they hired travelling flat rides to do this very thing. Ok they lasted longer than we thought but at least they did it and they were popular amongst guests.

Fingers crossed we will see some new exciting permanent rides introduced in their place.
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Retro Squad were fantastic for what they were, a sticking plaster and a quick fix for years of underinvestment and poor maintenance of existing flat rides. The theming was measured and considered, for what they were, but they were always going to be temporary.

I’m not sure that really were fantastic. Whilst it’s better to have some extra rides on the park (that helped with capacity) than to not have anything they always felt rather out of place blaring away with their music, and a couple of the rides perhaps weren’t even that great.

It would be interesting to know if the park had actually always planned for there to be a three year tenure for Retro Squad rides when they first bought in. If so I think it would have worked better if the park had created a themed separate Retro Zone to host them all which I think could have worked better than scattering them across the park. But of course perhaps it may well be a case that the locations of the rides from the first year of them was specifically chosen knowing that Nemesis would be SNBO in 2023 and for the planned loss of Enterprise from X-Sector for the ‘22 and ‘23 seasons. Now the big question is what will be coming to replace them, would it be correct to assume that if the park were getting a significant new permanent flat ride for 2024 then something might have been announced or leaked by now?
I literally addressed that in my original post.

You did, and I agree largely with your post. I just kind of dont understand when people suggest the ‘new’ Merlin are making major investment in the park comparable to the 90s when theres literally no indication that is the case. There are currently 3 SBNO ride systems, no indication there are actually replacements on the way for the Retrosquad, and gaping holes in the ride line up. Granted there is 1 new coaster on the way (another being a parting gift from Varney), but given the last new coaster will have been at least 7 years ago by the time Horizon opens, that is actually the longest gap since Merlin took over.

Maybe I am just overly cynical. I will happily eat my hat if I am wrong as it would be lovely if the ‘new’ Merlin turn out to be a magical never ending stream of joy and happiness.
What are these gaping holes in the ride line-up?

Theres little variation in the current ride availability, a day at Towers is largely just walking from coaster to coaster. Having visited quite a large number of other parks in other countries, a day out at these does feel really quite different and ‘complete’ compared to a day out at Towers :)

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