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The Retrosquad: General Discussion

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To be fair Bianca has said they are aware they need more flats. I find it hard to believe they will get the budget for 3 permanent flats in 2024 but it may suggest they have the budget for at least one. With maybe a plan for more in future season.
In other years I would agree with you, but I would suggest that not having to run your own F&B options, and have someone pay you to do it on your site, might put a pretty penny back in the purse.

*EDIT* But also Skyride and Hex.
I just genuinely don't get this place's obsession with the Retrosquad as if there is a gaping flat ride chasm in the ride line-up. Universal are opening a new park in a little over a year's time and within the entire place there are two flat rides and one of those is a carousel.

And it'll have absolutely zero impact on ticket sales nor everyone raving about how good the place is.
But Universal is also adding multiple quality dark rides and shows as well, but not many coasters. Whereas AT has a lot of coasters, but not many dark rides and even fewer shows.
Removing capacity, in the form of regularly serviced travelling fairground rides, is reactive and not proactive? I'm really not sure I understand.
It was always planned that Retrosquad would be a three year deal. Yes they could have extended but I don’t think them going is a sign of anything either way really. They had them for three years as planned and now hopefully we might get something else new.
To be fair Bianca has said they are aware they need more flats. I find it hard to believe they will get the budget for 3 permanent flats in 2024 but it may suggest they have the budget for at least one. With maybe a plan for more in future season.

Worth remembering that when the retro squad originally came NST was still closed, Duel was also still in its previous form.

I think there’s a very good case for arguing that only two are needed.
So RS squad are off then? Good riddance to bad rubbish.

That said, I can't see them having three new flat rides for next year though at least one is a certain possibility. In that case bring back Ripsaw to help make FV look its best for 2024! A Ripsaw 2.0 could not help with perhaps a Phalanx storyline but maybe even hit that nostalgia market which I'm sure they'll do for Nemesis in the build up for its return.

That said though even if you did get at least one flat ride for next year or the year after...the amount of gaps in the many areas in the park such as X-Sector or Dark Forest does look alarming, the latter having perhaps never hitting its full potential since opening.
On a purely marketing point, it'd make sense to invest in one flat to replace Funk n Fly next year to go along with a revamped Forbidden Valley.

But operationally, it'd make more sense to invest in that, and at least one flat ride for X-Sector to ease capacity in that area.

At this point though, I'd be happy with anything - but that kind of thinking got us Retrosquad in the first place.
A permanent flat introduced with Nemesis next year, plus another in 2025, 2026 and 2027 would see the park heading in the right direction. Also gives them several years of easy marketing.
I'm 99% certain Galactica will get a retheme sooner rather than later, plus the upgrades to the retail/arcade unit in FV, Nemesis, NST etc... it feels right to me that a new permanent flat would join that area of the park.
Yes, there's been a lot of discussion on 2023 general discussion about how people feel about it and possible replacements!
Id be happy if Towers came out and said they were looking to add one flat ride each year for the next 3 years, starting with one in Forbidden Valley. I'm not expecting multiple new flats next season but one good one to Support Nemesis would be a good start. And fix Hex properly while their at it
No new flats coming in next year. Nemesis adds 1000 pph back onto net capacity. They were only ever brought in to increase the rides per day metric / reduce the ' I only got on X rides' negative during social distancing peak, and then Nemesis' closure.
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