daveslodge said:
I don't often moan or complain on these forums as I think they are very well run and normally full of interesting and relevant discussion/debate.
However the last few pages have consisted of a repetitive non sensical debate about the meaning of 'sw' that has nothing whatsoever to do with 'the smiler construction updates and ride speculation'.
Can admin please sort this because I've just wasted 10 minutes reading utter drivel that shouldn't be in this topic.
I'm pretty sure that, within ride speculation, and construction, that this debate that I happily admit to starting was based on the proposed rumoured opening times, VS that of what standards should be expected of our pinnacle theme park, developing their pinnacle rides, which have
always been under the SW mantra. Being well over 2 months late, is well beyond any weather problems that had occurred.
There was a whole section of SW discussion that went into "throughput" and technical speculation based on very little known facts about lift hills, block/trim braking, how many cars there will be etc. I found this to be over my head, so guess what I did....
What I didn't do, was criticise anyone enjoying discussion about something that interested them,
neither would I thank anyone who may have moaned as that part wasn't of interest to them.
BigDave said:
Alton Towers have tweeted a new photo this morning
Wont post the pic again, but that is looking rather good! Thanks for the post Dave

- At least we know now that construction must be moving forward, let's hope they build up a good head of steam now and really graft to get it open ASAP. The problem sometimes when you move a deadline back, is people relax and rest on their laurels a bit. Not suggesting Alton would do this of course, but you are dealing with a large human team.
The most successful people thrive on pressure and goal setting targets etc - I hope the build team embraces that, rather than eases off the gas a bit. It's only natural after all.
aru said:
How do people thing The Smiler is going to change the feel of X Sector? The area always feels quite open with the focus being on Oblivions drop. I've got so used to the Black Hole tent that it is going to be odd with this tangled mess looming over the X-Sector sign! ;D
I haven't studied the plans in detail but I hope we are not getting another terrible cattle queue like Rita?
I haven't studied the queue plans in detail, however this is one style of ride you can get away with cramming people into a pen - it works well I feel with Saw, it will have to be compact and largely within and around the ride area due to the obvious size restrictions. I'd not be too worried about this one, I feel it will be integral to the ride, unlike the horrific DF queues where you can't tell who is queuing for what!
As for how it will affect the impact of X-Sector, that's a great question - I doubt it will be middle ground, it will either enhance it brilliantly, or totally knacker it up. The ride isn't exactly subtle.
My bet though is it will make the area far more imposing. Still miss the Black Hole, but if you were going to squeeze anything into that relatively small area, this doesn't seem to bad a replacement thus far.