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[The Smiler] Construction Updates and Ride Speculation

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Hopefully the site will become less waterlogged and progress can speed up. Also I do like they way alton are keeping us updated with major construction events! :)
If we just look at the picture again it raises quite a few questions:


This is the first ground level shot we've been given from the current X-Sector and immediately I noticed that the lower part of the Batwing is in line with the nearby ground level.

This raises the interesting question of if it's still possible to get a path through this element? Before I was certain that they would, only not quite as it's shown in the plans. My theory was it would either go down steps and under the element or up a few steps and have the path weave through the Staffordshire Knot (how awesome would that be!)

But seeing it from here I think the tracks at just the wrong height for a path to go above or below. So does this mean there might not be a connecting path here at all? Perhaps the shop will exit on this side of the site and loop around Oblivions pond but you'll have to run all the way around to where the spider is to rejoin the queue area?

Either way I really want to see how this area develops.
It looks really good from this angle and also looking forward to seeing how x-sector is turns out
Cannot construct pathway here: Eurofighter Rollercoaster 1 in the way. :p

Yeah the pathways are difficult to figure out. I can't see how they're going to do it, it looks too tight. I love the idea of going over the lowest point of the batwing and it does make more sense than weaving a path all the way round the absolute mess of track down at the bottom of the pit. Trouble is, that route appears to be blocked by cobra roll supports. If they do it, it's going to be really impressive.

I'm looking forward to seeing the final height that the steelwork for the shop/curved section rises to. At least then we'd be able to estimate the final pathway heights by eye.
Tim said:
If we just look at the picture again it raises quite a few questions:


This is the first ground level shot we've been given from the current X-Sector and immediately I noticed that the lower part of the Batwing is in line with the nearby ground level.

This raises the interesting question of if it's still possible to get a path through this element? Before I was certain that they would, only not quite as it's shown in the plans. My theory was it would either go down steps and under the element or up a few steps and have the path weave through the Staffordshire Knot (how awesome would that be!)

But seeing it from here I think the tracks at just the wrong height for a path to go above or below. So does this mean there might not be a connecting path here at all? Perhaps the shop will exit on this side of the site and loop around Oblivions pond but you'll have to run all the way around to where the spider is to rejoin the queue area?

Either way I really want to see how this area develops.

Well this shows you the level of it better:

As I said before, I wonder if they will cover some of the pit and have those partially underground. It seems the right height in places and I think it would add something for both riders and spectators! :)
The facebook page has reposted a picture of track that has appeared on site today.

It does make me wonder why track is turning up this late - is it normal for this to happen. I've always assumed the whole thing is dropped off at the same time so construction teams can just get on with it. Someone mentioned that the reason for the delay could be manufacture related, just wondering if this was a sign of it.
rightbackgranty said:
The facebook page has reposted a picture of track that has appeared on site today.

It does make me wonder why track is turning up this late - is it normal for this to happen. I've always assumed the whole thing is dropped off at the same time so construction teams can just get on with it. Someone mentioned that the reason for the delay could be manufacture related, just wondering if this was a sign of it.

I think it's a bit odd as well. Considering that it began to be delivered in October, you would have thought that they could have delivered everything in 3 whole months.
Alastair said:
rightbackgranty said:
The facebook page has reposted a picture of track that has appeared on site today.

It does make me wonder why track is turning up this late - is it normal for this to happen. I've always assumed the whole thing is dropped off at the same time so construction teams can just get on with it. Someone mentioned that the reason for the delay could be manufacture related, just wondering if this was a sign of it.

I think it's a bit odd as well. Considering that it began to be delivered in October, you would have thought that they could have delivered everything in 3 whole months.

Maybe the track has just been sitting around the production plant for the last month or so because there is no more room for Alton Towers to take more track due to storage issues. Then they put up the Cobra Roll & Batwing in and then had some more space and the track was supposed to come earlier but because of the bad weather - snow and rain - then they delayed the delivery because it is dangerous driving to Alton because of its location and the weather wouldn't help.
Rollercoasters4Life said:
Alastair said:
rightbackgranty said:
The facebook page has reposted a picture of track that has appeared on site today.

It does make me wonder why track is turning up this late - is it normal for this to happen. I've always assumed the whole thing is dropped off at the same time so construction teams can just get on with it. Someone mentioned that the reason for the delay could be manufacture related, just wondering if this was a sign of it.

I think it's a bit odd as well. Considering that it began to be delivered in October, you would have thought that they could have delivered everything in 3 whole months.

Maybe the track has just been sitting around the production plant for the last month or so because there is no more room for Alton Towers to take more track due to storage issues. Then they put up the Cobra Roll & Batwing in and then had some more space and the track was supposed to come earlier but because of the bad weather - snow and rain - then they delayed the delivery because it is dangerous driving to Alton because of its location and the weather wouldn't help.

There was room for track though, plenty of it! Especially during closed season, every car park is available. ???
Alastair said:
Rollercoasters4Life said:
Alastair said:
rightbackgranty said:
The facebook page has reposted a picture of track that has appeared on site today.

It does make me wonder why track is turning up this late - is it normal for this to happen. I've always assumed the whole thing is dropped off at the same time so construction teams can just get on with it. Someone mentioned that the reason for the delay could be manufacture related, just wondering if this was a sign of it.

I think it's a bit odd as well. Considering that it began to be delivered in October, you would have thought that they could have delivered everything in 3 whole months.

Maybe the track has just been sitting around the production plant for the last month or so because there is no more room for Alton Towers to take more track due to storage issues. Then they put up the Cobra Roll & Batwing in and then had some more space and the track was supposed to come earlier but because of the bad weather - snow and rain - then they delayed the delivery because it is dangerous driving to Alton because of its location and the weather wouldn't help.

There was room for track though, plenty of it! Especially during closed season, every car park is available. ???

Here is a list of events that could of gone on:

End of October

What Happens: Track starts to arrive - only enough to fill the staff car park as the park is still open. The excavating continues and the pit is beginning to take shape but they are delayed some days because the pit gets flooded.

What was supposed to happen: Track arrives on site and is stored in the staff car park. Pit to have been nearly complete in terms of having the sides complete.


What Happens: More track is sent to Alton Towers as its the closed season and they have more room out front on the coach parking area and they continue said work on pit but get delayed because the site becomes flooded.

What was supposed to happen: To get into the full swing of excavations as its closed season. Pit is complete and footers start appearing in the pit.


What Happens: Hit with a very wet month which on quiet a few days it delays excavations as site is to wet to work with without excavated pits caving in on themselves (or it being to dangerous to move construction vehicles on a hill in very saturated grounds). As month progresses, work starts on the station foundations and excavation further up the site. More track is delivered and station parts start to arrive.

What was supposed to happen: Track starts to go up at the start of the month while footers start to appear outside of the pit advancing up the hill. The last excavations happen up the top of the site at the end of the third week. Cobra Roll & Batwing complete during the second week in December.


What Happens: Track for the Batwing, the Cobra roll and first inversion start to go up - during this time the station skeleton is also erected. During the second week more footers appear outside of the pit and said previous elements are complete. Work also continues on excavating the pits in which parts of the ride will go into such as the second lift hill. Then snowfall happens which adds more delays.

What was supposed to happen: With excavations now complete, the remaining footers are done - track continues to be laid from the pit up towards the hill. By the end of the last week of January, the track is completed.


What Happens: Unknown

What was supposed to happen: Landscaping starts, electrics start to go in and theming is added. Trains are delivered in the first week of February. Electrics/theming are completed by the start of the third week and testing starts (happens during Feb half term to get people interested). During periods when they are not testing in the last week of February the queue line/paving is started.


What Happens: Unknown

What was supposed to happen: Testing, paving, landscaping and the queue line is continued. During the end of the second week; landscaping, paving and the queue line are finished. During the rest of the time before opening, the finishing touches are added and testing continues to smooth out the system for opening.

16th March - The Smiler OPENS!


What Happens: Unknown but the ride is supposed to be nearly completed with soft openings hopefully happening during the month but not until around the third week of April.


What Happens: The Smiler officially opens! :twirly:

With that being said, the reason why track is being delivered now is because there was no need for it to be delivered as:

1) They realised they had fallen behind schedule so asked for the track to be delayed because they haven't used up track currently there and have no need for it at the moment.

2) Alton Towers is a hard place to get to and it could of been sent earlier but the snow delayed it.

3) The track was supposed to of come earlier but was delayed because Alton Towers only want to use the coach car park/staff car park for track and not any of the other car parks due to them being further away.

Just my thoughts. :)
Couple of points:

1. The new picture: <3 - Though it does look a bit like the cable fairy designed it, you know, the one that messes all your wires up behind the TV. :twirly:

2. Track delivery: Nosey parkers/Re-fabrication if a piece was a bit awry (MFI/Ikea)/Keeping parts of it out of the elements until needed to be convenient - makes sense in winter if you ask me.

Regardless of it's size though, it will still be dwarfed by Blivvy.
New variant of the promotional image (as I posted in the Marketing topic) - interestingly more of the train is being shown here. Perhaps the design in this will be what we see for the final ride?

There appears to be a cage around the sides so that your feet can't move out of the close proximity of the coaster car?
Think I just fathomed out the World First....

It will be the restraint system:

Straight Jackets!!

In theme right? World First? High safety level.

Gotta be it folks, gotta be it!
DiogoJ42 said:
Double seat belts on every (B&M) OTSR?

The Nemesis promotional image:


It's nothing to read into. I think they might use the Oblivion test seat for the photographs, which has a double seat belt.
DiogoJ42 said:
Double seat belts on every (B&M) OTSR?

It's the Oblivion test seat, they use it on every promotional image.

EDIT: Damn! Beaten to it again, this time by Chris :p I need to learn to post faster...
Johno said:
There appears to be a cage around the sides so that your feet can't move out of the close proximity of the coaster car?

Deffo no cage on the sides of the cars, the cage bit you can see is right infront of the riders, you can clearly see the gaps on the sides for the rides to get on and off.
GaryH said:
Johno said:
There appears to be a cage around the sides so that your feet can't move out of the close proximity of the coaster car?

Deffo no cage on the sides of the cars, the cage bit you can see is right infront of the riders, you can clearly see the gaps on the sides for the rides to get on and off.

Yes, as said above I think the "cage" you can see is in fact railings at the front of the vehicle to prevent riders from stretching their legs out into the row in front, or down the gap where the rows are coupled. Those rows will be twisting, folding, and pivoting a lot judging by the compact elements and tight turns of this ride, so keeping the riders limbs out of harms way will be paramount. I think the railings will simply be like the ones at the front of each Oblivion shuttle :)

I look forward to seeing the real trains in their entirety though. From the marketing images seen so far they look different to any other Eurofighter, and this may be the change which makes it into a feasible and affordable coaster for many parks but with a high throughput they might want. That said, we all know how promotional images can be a bit mis-leading :p
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