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[The Smiler] Construction Updates and Ride Speculation

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TheMan said:
DonnaNemesis said:
I really hope not but I'm sure at least one of them rides is real, it wouldn't have struck me so much if it hadn't been Ben Dowson who put it on there. Thats some really scary stuff

Hi Donna and welcome. Here is a quote from a video description...

The Centrifuge Brain Project is a seven-minute mockumentary about the fictional scientific background of the project. The extreme rides are "caricatures of civilisation. In todays fun parks people are centrifuged by gigantic robots -- an expression of our desire to escape and find happiness somewhere above the ground." (Till Nowak)

Here is an interview in which I presume it is mentioned. Those however, who think this is beyond the realms of potential perhaps should do a bit more research into what the CIA etc have used... it is more than fair to say, the idea and some methods behind The Sanctuary, and faux "happy" corrective or psychological projects is very much a reality, and has been for numerous years.

One may only look toward "Happy Valley", for our Scientologist friends...

Anyway, the video:

To be honest, this sounds like chicken feed anyway compared to very many real human experimentation projects.

Prone to nightmares? I'd not research what I have mentioned any further lol!

Hi again I understand that it is not real but do you think the washing machine element is a def no go then?
Can't say for certain it's a no go, but I hope more than anything it doesn't exist. The original plans stated 8 inversions - we now know of at least 3 more, with a further 2-3 that many feel strongly will exist. If they want the inversion record they are probably going to achieve it with room to spare.

I feel that a washing machine will be one of the most myopic additions that there could be on a rollercoaster - yes, the claim could be made that they will forever hold the inversion record, but realistically they would never use the capability. Anything more than 2 rotations would be painful, boring and time consuming (throwing off the duelling element etc...) - ultimately it would be more problematic to use to its full capability than its worth. Why spend a vast quantity of budget on a special element that you would probably not use in the long run? I feel that just "being happy" with a ride that inverts more than 12 times would be a much better way to go for the park - rather than basing a whole £20 million outlay on a promise they could probably not fulfill.

The washing machine element differs from 13's "secret element", in that it would not be integral to the ride. 13 without the drop becomes a fairly poor use of space! The Smiler without a washing machine is still a multi inverting intense experience, and something we haven't seen or expected to see at Alton Towers for a long time
DonnaNemesis said:
Hi again I understand that it is not real but do you think the washing machine element is a def no go then?

Oh sorry I misunderstood your post then lol!

Members and Team here are very convinced it will not have a washing machine element (which thinking about it is funny, as a washing machine element is the bit that heats your water up, so I REALLY hope not now ;D).

Personally I remain less convinced that there will not be something that is a similar sensation, though construction lends itself to there being no "trick track" as such.

There is however, according to John Wardley, a secret element that has never been done before. It seems inversions are likely to be the "World Beating" aspect, and in truth I ask myself, is something like a bit of rotating track what JW would really like to retire on?

If you didn't notice, JW did an interview in which he states basically that there will be 5 psychological parts to the ride that are meant to mess with your head, plus a world first, and all the inversions.

Even the most knowledgeable of enthusiasts are simply sticking pins in a big guess map right now as to what it will be, but most of us are universal that it wont be the washing machine.

Who knows though? Not very many people right now that's for sure.
Khanage said:
With SW7 being a Gerstlauer Euro Fighter is it no coincidence that The Smiler is an anagram of 'Helmet Sir?'

Dude that is awesome ;D

There has been some talk of helmets, but only I believe in the context of being happy with the new pictures ;D
TheMan said:
DonnaNemesis said:
Hi again I understand that it is not real but do you think the washing machine element is a def no go then?

Oh sorry I misunderstood your post then lol!

Members and Team here are very convinced it will not have a washing machine element (which thinking about it is funny, as a washing machine element is the bit that heats your water up, so I REALLY hope not now ;D).

Personally I remain less convinced that there will not be something that is a similar sensation, though construction lends itself to there being no "trick track" as such.

There is however, according to John Wardley, a secret element that has never been done before. It seems inversions are likely to be the "World Beating" aspect, and in truth I ask myself, is something like a bit of rotating track what JW would really like to retire on?

If you didn't notice, JW did an interview in which he states basically that there will be 5 psychological parts to the ride that are meant to mess with your head, plus a world first, and all the inversions.

Even the most knowledgeable of enthusiasts are simply sticking pins in a big guess map right now as to what it will be, but most of us are universal that it wont be the washing machine.

Who knows though? Not very many people right now that's for sure.

Yeah I heard the interview. that's what got me thinking they are going to mess with our senses as much as they can. wasn't that the idea behind Verbolton at Bush gardens just to mess with your senses and create a totally new ride experience
DonnaNemesis said:
Yeah I heard the interview. that's what got me thinking they are going to mess with our senses as much as they can. wasn't that the idea behind Verbolton at Bush gardens just to mess with your senses and create a totally new ride experience

I have no idea about Verbolton, I am still just gutted I didn't get chance to ride it's predecessor to be honest!

It is clear though that SW7 will have plenty of the psychological about it ;D
Apologies if this has already been pointed out...

On the latest aerial update posted by TT (particularly noticeable on the full size version) there looks to be a large tank (a gas tank)? Buried into the ground. It looks to me to be pretty close to where the 'marmaliser'/'spider' is due to be positioned.

I might be miles off here, but this suggests that we'll maybe see fire effects coming from the 'marmaliser'?
Withnail said:
Apologies if this has already been pointed out...

On the latest aerial update posted by TT (particularly noticeable on the full size version) there looks to be a large tank (a gas tank)? Buried into the ground. It looks to me to be pretty close to where the 'marmaliser'/'spider' is due to be positioned.

I might be miles off here, but this suggests that we'll maybe see fire effects coming from the 'marmaliser'?

Given the rather obvious "Arcadia" influences, I will be very surprised if there are not some kind of interactive elements of this beast. I wont post what I think though in case I am right (unlikely but you never know).

All I will say, is if this is just simply a metal structure I will be more surprised, and it will be a wasted opportunity to create something spectacular.
Tom said:
I've not seen it but It may be an anchor if some kind.

-Sent from a mobile phone-

Its in the middle of the exit to the sea serpent roll and the second lift hill. Its a big white circular tank with a section protruding off with a orange pipe leading towards the first lift hill but parallel with it.

There is another one just near goalstriker to be used...

TheMan said:
Withnail said:
Apologies if this has already been pointed out...

On the latest aerial update posted by TT (particularly noticeable on the full size version) there looks to be a large tank (a gas tank)? Buried into the ground. It looks to me to be pretty close to where the 'marmaliser'/'spider' is due to be positioned.

I might be miles off here, but this suggests that we'll maybe see fire effects coming from the 'marmaliser'?

Given the rather obvious "Arcadia" influences, I will be very surprised if there are not some kind of interactive elements of this beast. I wont post what I think though in case I am right (unlikely but you never know).

All I will say, is if this is just simply a metal structure I will be more surprised, and it will be a wasted opportunity to create something spectacular.

Why not just say what you think? It is a discussion forum after all where opinions and ideas come together. :D
Rollercoasters4Life said:
Tom said:
I've not seen it but It may be an anchor if some kind.

-Sent from a mobile phone-

Its in the middle of the exit to the sea serpent roll and the second lift hill. Its a big white circular tank with a section protruding off with a orange pipe leading towards the first lift hill but parallel with it.

There is another one just near goalstriker to be used...

TheMan said:
Withnail said:
Apologies if this has already been pointed out...

On the latest aerial update posted by TT (particularly noticeable on the full size version) there looks to be a large tank (a gas tank)? Buried into the ground. It looks to me to be pretty close to where the 'marmaliser'/'spider' is due to be positioned.

I might be miles off here, but this suggests that we'll maybe see fire effects coming from the 'marmaliser'?

Given the rather obvious "Arcadia" influences, I will be very surprised if there are not some kind of interactive elements of this beast. I wont post what I think though in case I am right (unlikely but you never know).

All I will say, is if this is just simply a metal structure I will be more surprised, and it will be a wasted opportunity to create something spectacular.

Why not just say what you think? It is a discussion forum after all where opinions and ideas come together. :D

I'd say it looks like a giant propane tank, or something of the like. Given its positioning very close to where the central column of the spider will be, I'd say that does point to there being some kind of fire effect on the ride. It could of course be a tank containing something else, but I can't see why it'd be positioned where it is if it didn't have some bearing on the ride experience.
Rollercoasters4Life said:
Why not just say what you think? It is a discussion forum after all where opinions and ideas come together. :D

It is a fair point but doesn't feel right to me - hey, you lot should know I am a bit quirky by now ha-ha!! :twirly:

I'm not short of opinions or speculation, just don't wish to contribute to over-hype etc with this one. I have my hopes for what it will be though.
TheMan said:
Rollercoasters4Life said:
Why not just say what you think? It is a discussion forum after all where opinions and ideas come together. :D

It is a fair point but doesn't feel right to me - hey, you lot should know I am a bit quirky by now ha-ha!! :twirly:

I'm not short of opinions or speculation, just don't wish to contribute to over-hype etc with this one. I have my hopes for what it will be though.

Spoil sport...:p

Seeing as their is an entire tab devoted to the Marmaliser on the game, I'm guessing it must actually do something!
It seems that more track has been put up, confirming the second inverted drop.


Credit to original photographer. (I'm not sure who it is.)

Certainly progressing at a quick pace now!
This is looking more amazing every update... Thank you.

If both the cars reach the brow of the lift hill at the same time this will be a fantastic view from the lawns / walking towards XS as the cars go into the inverted loops.
The crane has been closed down as of now, I've been here all day and didn't notice them putting track up! :p
My guess is that vertical construction will cease for a while now while groundwork continues at a fast pace. There aren't really anymore footers at the top end of the site now to place supports and track into aside from those that may hold the lift hills and we haven't seen the track for those yet. Once groundwork on the middle stretch of land is complete and any additional concrete walls put up (still wondering where the vertical lift base will be), I would imagine vertical construction will continue once again. Also, I'd expect station work to continue.
Just on the way back from park now. Construction was still happening today on the inverted drop and supports. A couple of cranes where also in the car parks too moving track and supports around with a view to moving it to site when the park closes I assume. Also, a helicopter and light aircraft where buzzing about for a bit today, so not sure if there might be some air shots knocking around in the coming hours/days :)
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