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- NemiLerVion
morgano said:I've been studying the game video closely...
I believe the marmalisation occurs once your outside and not inside. Firstly the game text during the lift is "PREPARE FOR MARMALISATION" and secondly the spider has the text "The Marmaliser". Therefore it's safe to assume the marmalisation happens outside. (duh)...
So what is the marmalisation? If Scarefest is any indication then were talking effects (disorientation, water splashes etc...)... So the spider has 5 legs and many people are speculating that each leg will have a purpose (this also links with john wardleys 5 elements to mess with your mind statement).
On closure inspection, i can see 3 of the 5 elements each are attached to the spider legs:
Needles - Injections
I believe this will be some sort of water splash.
If these are spotlights I imagine a bright light will be directed at the riders as they pass (disorienting slightly).
Hypno Swirls
I guess these will swirl? I'm not sure what physical interaction they will have other than being disorientating.
Not pictured
The promo picture showed a steam affect so I will assume a 4th affect will be water mist.
Appologies if anyone has noticed this, I know a few people pointed out the "15" text, but i never saw anyone point out the rest of the text on the marmiliser.
Basically on closer inspection it says "15 Rotations"
Posted it all again - 15 rotations is quite clear and a great spot by Morgano if this turns out to be correct. Seems logical, the swirly faces with 15 rotations mentioned.
That is too close to the rumours to be co-incidence for me. Obviously not saying it is fact, this is the speculation topic, but that there be some great speculation eh?
15 inversions, I'm less inclined to even care so much how it rides, as that is a serious achievement without bolting a load of in lines together at the end.
Only thing is, could this actually make it a vomit comet?!