Novas said:
Very tired of the unjust negativity now. I was going to single people out but I've decided to behave, however as an example one person has now posted in this thread 12 times in the last 48 hours and every single one of their posts has been a complaint. They are not alone and frankly I am so bored of re-reading the same peoples opinions every time a new bolt is fixed into place.
Whilst the team have tried hard to clean this thread up and get people on topic it remains a serious chore to read at the moment. At times it is endless pages of “OMG I can’t believe they’re leaving it like that!” and then 24 hours later “O look, they fixed it, nevermind.”
It would have been so flippin easy for the park to go with a non-descript space theme and blend the ride in seamlessly with the existing area, but for once they decided to think outside the box and I for one love the results. Everything about the ride is over the top, fantastically daft and fun*
Some aspects of the Marm look weak at the moment but It does seem to be improving with every update, the syringes look fantastic and I hope they're interactive.
The idea of a shipping container shop is the first thing to make my heart skip a beat. I get it, shipping containers make great shops, but I do hope that they make some kind of effort to disguise it!
I'm not sure about the reliability of Ride Rater for news, but It would be a rather unusual and pointless story to make up or to exaggerate. The date seems about right for me, get the lift hill up over the next week and they'll have a full month of testing... it could be legit.
* Some of you may need to think back to your pre-enthusiast days to recall the meaning of this word.
I'm sorry, just a few things;
1- how on earth would a generic non-descript space theme fit in with x-sector?
2- there's outside the box, and then there's just bad ideas, and a car washer attached to a metal frame doesn't exactly spell out the sinister, human experiment theme we were expecting.
3- You may be sick of people complaining, but they are merely voicing their opinions, the fact that its different to yours may upset you, but a majority of the forum will be negative and critical, because it hasn't turned out as hoped so far, and mainly because we care about the project.
The fact is that the theme at hand here is incredibly dark when you think about it, alien monsters, haunted forests and zombies are all rather far fetched and as a result can be toned down to the extent its acceptable in a family theme park. But human experimentation? Insanity? That is really dark stuff.
The smiler is essentially a battery correctional facility for those suffering from insanity...... wow.
So there is a need for all this fluff, the car washer, the over sized syringes, and the slightly cartoony set out. Because there's a fine line between creepy and dark, and horror.
Alton could create a sanctuary style ride if they really wanted, surrounded in a sinister dark theme, with blood on the walls, people in straight jackets and all it brings with it, but that would be crossing a line I think, a line they create when they market themselves as a family resort.
So ye, unstructured rant over, I don't post often so sorry if this doesn't make any sense at all, but that's my opinion on the whole marm argument. I don't like it, but I think it helps bridge the gap between an acceptable ride, and an incredibly sinister and dark ride. :/