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[The Smiler] Marketing discussion

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Re: [SW7] Marketing discussion

A little teaser I've made...


Just found this interesting article on TT :
A member of our fantastic community, has brough forward some interesting research tonight.

Lewis97 as they are known on the forum has a great story, regarding Inoculation Theory and a certain 'Dr Kelman'

"Inoculation theory states that to prevent persuasion it is necessary to strengthen preexisting attitudes, beliefs, or opinions. First, the receiver must be warned of an impending attack. This establishes threat (or a recognition of vulnerability) and initiates defenses to future attacks."

This idea was present within the sanctuary, You were told that you were going to meet your fellow patients, there was no turning back and you would be trapped, This partnered with being told you would be 'marmalised'. Your brain would naturally fight back and you would fight your beliefs when you saw what was displayed on the screens.

An interesting idea, what's more is that this theory was developed in 1961, the time period in which the The Sanctuary was set, Fascinating stuff...

That's not all though, Lewis97 has done some more digging and found that someone named Herbert C. Kelman was researching into this Inoculation Theory, He also wrote a book regarding his studies called 'Crimes of Obedience' which notes something labeled 'The Sanctuary movement'

The pieces of the puzzle are very much coming together and we would like to thank Lewis97 for this fantastic research!

You can find the original post HERE

Make sure to sign up to our forums HERE if you'd like to thank him yourself!
Re: [SW7] Marketing discussion

From the TowersStreet Facebook page:

TowersStreet forum member Natalie and TowersStreet team member Wilsy have braved the snow for The Smiler!

Re: [SW7] Marketing discussion

Trying to explain to people that there is a roller coaster called 'Thirteen' was bad enough. It's not even worth bothering with this.

"It's called The Smiler?!?!"



"I'm so sorry."
Re: [SW7] Marketing discussion

Roving reporters Wilsy and Natalie are at the scene of the posters RIGHT NOW (seriously, if you're local go down there and touch them... they'll sign parts of your body if you ask nicely), and have sent these images:



Re: [SW7] Marketing discussion

Joshysqaushy said:
So we know its not photoshopped but it still could have been put up by a crazed enthusiast.....

I'll be damned if someone really has gone to that much effort.

I think this is as close to a confirmation that we'll get, without an actual announcement from the park.
Re: [SW7] Marketing discussion

Joshysqaushy said:
So we know its not photoshopped but it still could have been put up by a crazed enthusiast.....

I think that's incredibly unlikely! :p

Complete random point, is this the first time we have seen "Resort" written in the Alton Towers font?

Re: [SW7] Marketing discussion

That cannot be fake simply for the fact that the exact "Alton Towers" font used costs about £500 and I can't see any enthusiast willing to pay that much for it. :)
Re: [SW7] Marketing discussion

I don't think an actual "Alton Towers" typeface exists, fan-made recreations aside. We've only ever seen the characters used from the logo.
Re: [SW7] Marketing discussion

So this means the amazing viral marketing that only just begun is now finished.

Re: [SW7] Marketing discussion

Ok I have ranted about this before and I am sure I will rant about this again. Why ohh why do Alton Towers marketing thing that the best catchment placement for thier marketing is London. I am sure if you look at visitors to Alton Towers from various places divided by the population I am sure Birmingham or Manchester will be significantly higher than London, yet these projections are in London, the majority of the posters are in London. Ok the sheep aren't in London, and we have some things in station barriers in Leeds and Birmingham uni. But still, I am sure that the whole point of a marketing campaign is to market to your catchment area, and London isn't really is it? Or am I being too literal. Are they hoping tv people will mention it on thier shows?
Re: [SW7] Marketing discussion

Maybe based a lot of national news stations are based in London, along with a lot of influential online bloggers and tweeters? If one of these people see these and tweet them, it gets much more exposure than if they just put them up in Manchester.
Re: [SW7] Marketing discussion

stretchy, we can assume this is only the beginning to a much bigger and widespread campaign. Things like these posters and the sheep are just to get the logo in people's minds and to get people talking. Presumably once marketing seriously kicks off - we will see a lot, lot more from the park in terms of a nationwide reach.

It would be incredibly expensive to target every single city with poster campaigns - so doing it in the most populated city in Britain is good for a viral audience who might start sharing it on the internet to other parts of the country. Equally, Towers have used facebook and Twitter to spread their logo to their fans.
[SW7] Marketing discussion

Very strange for posters suggesting the name to go up before any announcement from the park.
Also, as someone else mentioned, this seems strange given that the viral campaign has only just started!
Perhaps we will see more of these go up, with different wording - The Inoculator, The Sanctuary etc, which will all form part of the back story?
Re: [SW7] Marketing discussion

george2v said:
Spike said:
It looks as though they did get permission to shine The Smiler on Big Ben and I'm guessing all the other buildings as well.

How do you know that?

Well they must have as I'm sure they could get into a lot of trouble without permission. It's an iconic landmark in the centre of London, not really something I'd expect anyone can project images on to! :p Same most likely goes for the other building, but in a lighter sense.
Re: [SW7] Marketing discussion

That looks fake. The 'Resort' font looks like the different font that someone on here was making.

Edit: Was it Cotda that was making the font? I remember a test version being released.
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