Interesting reading some people's comments on here about how the reason they like the TPW videos is because they capture the feel of the parks. That's fair enough, although the reason I don't like vlogs is because I feel they
don't capture it at all.
They seem like they do, while youre sat at home watching them, but they don't really. Whatever the vlogger says or does is what people tend to take away from. You gotta go there and enjoy it yourself with friends, it's the only way.
The worst aspect of this are all the vultures who descend on things like Wicker man opening just because they know it'll guarantee themselves views, including giving away spoilers like the preshow. Some really do care about the thing they're filming. But it's easy to see most are just posing for the attention and saying what you want to hear.
I have bumped into Shawn a couple times and agree he isn't the insufferable person he can appear to be in videos, he's just your average enthusiast and he's sociable. But like I said before it's not how he is in real life that I take any issue with at all (he can do what he likes).
The problem is the huge pedestal people put him (and others) on, simply because they've seen him online. And the legion of copy cat vloggers all addicted to filming themselves and walking around parks repeating the same things.
I happened to be there when Wicker Man opened to the public and it was a genuinly fun day. But boy were there a lot of people paying far too much attention to their cameras instead of just enjoying themselves. Out of curiosity I clicked on a few of the vlogs from that day afterwards, they captured none of what made that day so fun at all in my opinion. So that was an interesting thing to learn.
Another thing that's taken off recently are theme park 'documentaries' that are just facts repackaged from wikipedia with google images, and suddenly being taken as gospel. I'll watch the new TPW one with an open mind, hopefully it's different