I would love to know what Thorpe Park's long term growth strategy is; they really do seem to keep changing their minds. Over the past 10-15 years then they have generally been a park aimed pretty much solely at thrill seekers, which is fine and makes complete sense considering their distance from both Legoland and Chessington (and to a lesser extent, Paultons). There is demand for thrills in the south of the UK.
Yet more recently, say over the past 5 years, they cannot make their minds up over whether or not they want to also attract a broader family audience. You've had the removal of lots of kids rides, followed by the introduction of some kids rides. Some of their marketing turned more family orientated, then not, and now they want to be some horror park for the whole year and turn one of the family coasters they do have into a thrill/horror coaster.
I'd say that at the moment Thorpe Park seem to be appealing to the horror thrill market (Walking Dead stuff, Saw, Derren Brown, Fright Nights etc.). I can't say that excites me but I would also bet that they make another sudden change within the next couple of years.
At the end of the day it never seems to matter with Thorpe. Whatever they do it is always hellishly busy in peak season and rather quiet in off-peak season.