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Thorpe Park: General Discussion

Colossus shocked me with it's roughness too, and simply getting into the seats is incredibly difficult even as somebody who's average height/weight
I had exactly the same - just trying to shuffle across to the far seat was a challenge I wasn’t expecting haha!
As we started discussing over in the Hyperia thread, some developments have occurred recently that lead me to believe that we may be seeing development on the Slammer site.

The first thing to note is that Thorpe Park have said for a while that they intend to remove Slammer by the end of the year. Now this is not a smoking gun on its own, and I accept that, but my thought is; why would they remove it if they didn't intend to replace it at some point? It's been there for 7 years; what harm would a few more do if they aren't intending to put something there?

That is not the only piece of evidence I cite by any means, however. Or even a particularly compelling piece of evidence compared to some others.

Another piece of evidence I cite is a recent trademark application by Merlin's trademarking company. In recent days, Merlin's trademarking company have filed a trademark for the name "Skybound", with all of the usual uses listed:

This would indicate to me that Merlin are planning to install an attraction somewhere within their estate that is to be named Skybound, but I can't think of any currently known Merlin plans that would fit this overly well. I don't see this name being very befitting of Project Ocean at Alton Towers, and I think this is too soon to be for Project Horizon at Alton Towers. However, it is worth noting that the Slammer site is within the area that Thorpe Park is now coining as "Fearless Valley", the new area surrounding Hyperia. And I don't know about any of you, but given that Hyperia's theme/style centres around flight, Skybound sounds to me like it would be quite a fitting name for an accompanying flat ride addition to Fearless Valley...

Finally, Thorpe Park have now begun clearing the old queue of Slammer with machinery, as per Thorpe Park Mania on Facebook:

If they're clearing the queue, I reckon they must be intending to do something with it...

Could all of this potentially be pointing towards some sort of new development on the old Slammer site? I think it's very possible... although I'm not saying that this is confirmed by any means or even much of a rumour. This is purely me linking a few things together and offering my thoughts on what they could potentially mean. I could well be adding 2 and 2 and getting 5 here, but I think that these pieces of evidence could well suggest some sort of new development on the former Slammer site.

What does anyone else think?
With regards to the Huss rides deal that Merlin have is there the possibility that one of them could be coming to this site? Looking at the thrill flats that Huss offer the ones that standout as a potential “Skybound” would be the Giant Frisbee or the Shot’N Drop/Maxi (though of course the park do already have Vortex and Detonator).

Certainly a 190ft shot tower or Giant Frisbee would be be a welcome addition to the park that would look good alongside Hyperia on the skyline if the park did want to choose one of those to supersede one of their existing flat rides.

Has anyone checked if scrap metal prices have gone up recently?.. 🤣

I’m actually really sad to see it properly going. I’ve always had a soft spot for Slammer.

Slammer was such a unique ride, both directions were totally different experiences, and it felt genuinely thrilling and at times, terrifying.

Rush and Slammer together made Thorpe a real go-to for me whilst they both were operating, now I only go every few years. If they can get something as unique and interesting in it's place I'd be very pleased!
Funny to think majority of those paths are still in the same place. Particularly noticeable where the Lost City flats are! And the path round the back of the beach past Flying Fish towards the Swarm.

To think the park has always had that awkward exit from the dome having to shuffle to the left to get down the ramp.