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Thorpe Park: General Discussion

But technically it is closer to saw and adds more to that area
The Saw area is very much separated from Samurai by the entrance arch under the coaster track. Besides from which, it would be an expense that a *vanishingly* small amount of guests would even notice. It simply wouldn’t be worth it, and if it was worth it they would have done it when they repainted in the closed season
It isn't on SAW Island as such. If anything it should be Lost City themed to fit Colossus
It used to be part of Lost city until saw island ceased to exist and became ‘old town’, where samurai weirdly ended up being attached to a western themed area.

Now that old town is fearless valley, samurai should either be themed to this land or more in vain with saw
It used to be part of Lost city until saw island ceased to exist and became ‘old town’, where samurai weirdly ended up being attached to a western themed area.

Now that old town is fearless valley, samurai should either be themed to this land or more in vain with saw
Personally, I think that Thorpe is more of an amusement park than Towers, the rides do have excellent theming in some cases but the ‘cohesion’ between rides isn’t as well done as Forbidden Valley for example. Therefore I don’t think Samurai is in need of a retheme.

Do you know what would be crazy? If Samurai got moved into the Enterprise site and a new flat was installed in the previous location at Thorpe. Just a crazy thought like normal!
Yeah...goodie versus baddie isn't it???
Sure that was mentioned all those years ago.
I was trying to demonstrate that there's not much cohesion, or thought to the theming, between most attractions at Towers at the moment.

Aside from Saw: The Ride, The Walking Dead: The Ride and Samurai, there's generally pretty good cohesion between the theming of all of the rest of the rides at Thorpe, and their areas. There isn't a story to be told though, unlike the successful areas of Towers, I think that's where the problem lays.

There's no narrative in Dark Forest, Rita had a bit of a paint job to fit in but it's still a bit of a sore thumb. Galactica's space theme doesn't gel with the rest of an otherwise excellent Forbidden Valley. Wickerman sits in its own, surrounded by Pirate themed flat rides. Spinball Whizzer stands by itself, awkwardly separated from Cbeebies. The Driving School doesn't have cohesion with Wallyland, the Dungeons awkwardly sits outside it too.

Towers used to be excellently themed, and told cohesive narratives in their lands, or you could at least make one up that fit. Now you have lots of detracting oddities that stick out like sore thumbs all over the place.
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I don’t want to turn this into a Thorpe vs Towers, but I don’t think that Thorpe’s theming is massively worse. The areas around Saw, Colossus and Hyperia do kind of merge into one imo, but other areas are pretty strong and the individual rides themselves are mostly well themed. I mean, Dark Forest, X-Sector, Spinball Whizzer etc all say hello!