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Thorpe Park: General Discussion

Having to stand in the BTM queue on a warm summer’s day is basically a human rights violation. A literal airless sweat box.

As others have said, it’s good to see them thinking about the fact people need shade, and I guess at least it’ll probably be more durable and in-keeping than some fabric canopies, but it’ll make that portion of the queue feel very claustrophobic. Can’t wait to stand in it on a hot day, filled with the scent of a thousand different vapes…

There was an attempt.
Changing the topic but how long do you guys think each coaster at thorpe has left?

I was curious as I remember back when thorpe announced colossus was getting a retrack in late 2022, I assumed it was because they wanted to preserve the ride, much like nemesis. Although, now that we know they only retracked one heartline roll and decided to just repaint and spruce up the ride it made me think - while this suggests that they want to keep the ride around for a long-time, I also feel as if there's a chance it could still be removed in say the next 10 years.

Especially with the lack of land at thorpe, once the island behind swarm is occupied, they will probably start looking into replacing some old ride hardware. But why is colossus relevant in this discussion? Well, nothing about the ride is remarkable anymore. While it did put thorpe on the map, it isn't a well beloved ride. Sure its a piece of history and was once a record holder, I don't think it would really be missed, at least compared to the other big 5.

Also, it covers quite a large footprint, which would make it prime real estate for a future coaster, maybe something inversion focused to play homage.

I honestly don't see the B&M's and saw going anytime soon. While saw is rough and the eldest of those three, it's footprint isn't as big as the likes of colossus, and it's IP has had enduring popularity (a rarity). Which therefore also means, I think stealth could be at risk.

Also I will just say I don't see any of these rides going anytime soon, but I do think the first on the chopping board would either of the intamins. In Stealth's case, it is arguably the parks most overall beloved attraction except from hyperia, and was also the 'icon' of the park from 2006-2023. I think if thorpe were to remove stealth, especially before colossus, it would purely be from a mechanical point of view, rather than 'dying love'. While it's no longer the tallest at the park, it is still a record holder for the fastest acceleration on earth and I think thorpe will try and preserve the ride for as long as they can. However, in recent years we've seen hydraulic launches slowly die, and some attractions that utilise them experiencing significant downtime (TTD before TT2, kingda ka, Xcelerator, etc).

In the case of TT2 with the LSM conversion, I honestly don't think that would be an option for stealth due to space constraints, and it would probably kill the experience - stealth IS the launch after all.

So while these rides will still be around for many more years, I anticipate stealth or colossus as being the first ones to go. What do you guys think?
The Hyperia queue is in desperate need of some shade too.

It was 'only' 27 degrees last week when I was there but it's the most uncomfortable I've ever been in a queue. Directly under the sun surrounded by gold metal fences 😵

Don't see an issue with the new Saw erection. It's an awful ride and I'd rather not look at it.
Changing the topic but how long do you guys think each coaster at thorpe has left?
Hmm... Interesting question?

For me, I'd say:

Flying Fish - I see no reason with the right care and maintenance that it couldn't last another 10/15 years
The Walking Dead - I believe this one will be on it's way out in the next few years. It is a nightmare operationally and can't run with empty seats resulting in lots of delays.
Colossus - With it's retrack due to be completed this coming winter season from what I remember, I can't see why it can't run for another 10/20 years. It may need a refurbishment with new trains to give it a fresh lease of life.
Nemesis Inferno - with the ride having different conditions to the original Nemesis, I'd see it still running for another 10/15 years without a retrack although it could last even longer.
Stealth - I'm hoping this runs for a while yet but with the Hydraulic Launch coasters going out of fashion. I'd see it getting a major overhaul within the next few years.
Saw - I can imagine this will need some attention in the next few years whether that is a minor retrack or an overhaul. It is starting to get really rough and it really depends how popular the franchise is.
Swarm - I can't see Swarm going or getting retracked for a long time yet. At least 20 years before that would be considered
Hyperia - this will depend on how reliably Hyperia continues to run in the coming years. I see this ride ruling the skies for at least 25/30 plus years if the ride ages well.
Colossus - With it's retrack due to be completed this coming winter season from what I remember
Pretty sure it's just the repaint that's being finished this winter, there's been no mention of any retracking work this year?

I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that the new track section (from the winter of 22/23) could not be installed and so they re-installed the original track rather than delaying the ride's 2023 opening further. Since then, Thorpe have never mentioned the topic of re-tracking Colossus again, so I assumed that they'd given up on the idea and opted to repaint the ride instead (meaning the coaster is still 100% original track).
Happy to be corrected if anyone knows differently, but I can't see them spending the time/money on painting it if they were still planning to scrap the freshly painted steel within a year or two.
Pretty sure it's just the repaint that's being finished this winter, there's been no mention of any retracking work this year?

I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that the new track section (from the winter of 22/23) could not be installed and so they re-installed the original track rather than delaying the ride's 2023 opening further. Since then, Thorpe have never mentioned the topic of re-tracking Colossus again, so I assumed that they'd given up on the idea and opted to repaint the ride instead (meaning the coaster is still 100% original track).
Happy to be corrected if anyone knows differently, but I can't see them spending the time/money on painting it if they were still planning to scrap the freshly painted steel within a year or two.
yeah this is what has led me to believe that they may have rethought their long-term development plans for the ride, paint is much cheaper than brand new track
The Walking Dead - I believe this one will be on it's way out in the next few years. It is a nightmare operationally and can't run with empty seats resulting in lots of delays.
see I really don't know with this one, depends if they're willing to spend the money to completely remove the ride as well as the pyramid, but it would open up a huge space for a coaster.

I've always fantasised of TWD and ghost train getting removed to house a half indoor/dark ride half outside coaster
Flying Fish - I see no reason with the right care and maintenance that it couldn't last another 10/15 years
Those Mack Powered coasters can keep going on for a very long time, for example the one at Canada’s Wonderland has been running since 1981. This version of Flying Fish is a mere fry at just 17 years old, plenty of life in it yet. Though I do wonder if one day it might move to CWOA to replace Scorpion Express (if the park aren’t going to restore it).
I strongly feel Merlin when planning new rides need to include in there plans sheltered/enclosed paths that aren’t all open to the elements for summer and winter and if themed would be far more immersive, less obvious caged or high fences and overhead netting.

Even tho not perfect at least Drayton Manor really thought about this aspect on there new rollercoaster.

I honestly feel this should be a strong rule for the UK theme parks industry moving forward, alongside all the other healthy safety criteria they have to tick through with the planning process before final design.

I would argue It is a health and safety concern, sunburn and harsh winter conditions as well as improving guest satisfaction.

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Though I do wonder if one day it might move to CWOA to replace Scorpion Express (if the park aren’t going to restore it).
I do believe that Thorpe should move away from rides below 1.3m now. They are a thrill park and there’s no reason for anything but thrill to be on the island. The handfull of family rides they have gives families false hope that there’s enough for them to do for a day out when in reality there really isn’t
I do believe that Thorpe should move away from rides below 1.3m now. They are a thrill park and there’s no reason for anything but thrill to be on the island. The handfull of family rides they have gives families false hope that there’s enough for them to do for a day out when in reality there really isn’t
I think they actually do need to add a few more non-inverting rides, as within a family group everyone has different tolerances. They still don't have a proper non-inverting coaster really. Even just getting rid of The Walking Dead and putting a proper decent indoor coaster in would help.
Don't forget that 1.3m tall is about a 9 year old. I doubt many families take under 10s, but even if everyone is over 13, there will still be a range of teenagers and adults who like different things.
I think they actually do need to add a few more non-inverting rides, as within a family group everyone has different tolerances. They still don't have a proper non-inverting coaster really. Even just getting rid of The Walking Dead and putting a proper decent indoor coaster in would help.
Don't forget that 1.3m tall is about a 9 year old. I doubt many families take under 10s, but even if everyone is over 13, there will still be a range of teenagers and adults who like different things.
I think the fear of inversions has always been somewhat unjustified over the years. Think about it has anyone come off their first inversion coaster thinking it was as bad as they thought it would be. I do think there’s multiple more elements on rides that provide higher level thrills than inversions, for example steep drops, ejector airtime, launches and helixes
I think the fear of inversions has always been somewhat unjustified over the years. Think about it has anyone come off their first inversion coaster thinking it was as bad as they thought it would be. I do think there’s multiple more elements on rides that provide higher level thrills than inversions, for example steep drops, ejector airtime, launches and helixes
OK, lets not make it about inversions, Thorpe need a less intimidating looking coaster. As you say Stealth doesn't invert, but it does have the steep drop and launch. They need something closer to Wickerman or Air, just a good fun coaster.