Re: Thorpe Park
I doubt Colossus will be going anywhere for a fair few years. If anything, assuming its sister attraction at Hopi Hari is still meant to be getting new style Intamin trains with lap bars I wouldn't be surprised if Thorpe decided to purchase a pair, re-paint, and re-market it as a new, upgraded ride experience like they have done with X and Swarm reversed this year. It'd be a cheap way to advertise something new in their low budget years, and it would no doubt increase the level of thrill in many people's eyes thanks to the new restraints which would offer a new, free ride sensation. It'd keep it in competition with The Smiler too.
I've never once found the roughness of Colossus to be an issue, and it's still one of my favourite coasters (In my top 10), though it
is in dire need of a damn good clean and lick of paint. It's no B&M, but it's still one of the UK's large scale coasters, and it's one of the rides which helped make Thorpe the thrill park it is today. Given it's still very much one of Thorpe's signature attractions I think they'd be foolish to consider removing it any time soon.
It's another example of a brilliant ride that's been left unloved for too long, just like Oblivion pre 2013 and Nemesis. With some investment they could keep it as one of the biggest coasters at Thorpe, and it would never really date. To me Thorpe's choices in large coasters means they more or less cover all areas. They have something high (Stealth), something fast (Stealth), something with lots of inversions (Colossus), something inverted (Ninferno), something intimidating (SAW), and something unique to the UK (Swarm). They've very much have their fingers in all the pies so to speak, and it's this range which gives the place its thrill appeal if you ask me.
Now if only they'd build something wooden to round it all off...