TS Team
- Favourite Ride
- Steel Vengeance
I don't know what part of my original post was so hard to understand? No one is objecting to the corkscrews being repainted, but hands up who has mentioned before that they needed some urgent TLC.......?
We've already established that the TLC budget is so tight that the park can't operate past 4pm and can only afford to do the Nemesis track and station if it's spread across 4 seasons. So why spending a few grand on repainting something that could have waited till year 4, when the Oblivion and Smiler queue lines look like they do, is seen as a good use of limited funds is beyond me.
They did not need urget TLC but I did look at them last year and they were a bit of a mess with paint peeling off all over the place. And this is exactly what they should be doing, maintaining things before they get to a point whereby they look woefully bad and need more money spending on them than they might otherwise do.
The same applies for Hex going forward, there is almost no point in doing what they have this closed season if they are not going to maintain and clean it over the next few years to keep it in a good condition.
Also who's to say that The Smiler's queue has not been addressed? I have no idea myself but we can hope that they've taken the jet wash over to it!