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Thorpe Park: General Discussion

There are tunes that come on the radio remind me of the happy times of walking over the bridge to an island like no other ( I know ! Happy times and memories at Thorpe)

Ask me now to recall any segment of what the imascore soundtrack sounds like and I haven’t got a clue.
Thorpe are saying that the bear is not from Loggers Leap!

Loggers Leap is dead though, long gone, awaiting a giant bulldozer to sweep in and flatten its rotten remains.
Last time I was there I made the mistake of riding that thing next to it and while we were trapped in our seats cos they couldn't get the harness open, I glanced over and noticed a tree growing through the troth of Loggers, literally, a tree.

It's dead Jim.

Boasting about rides being removed, not how marketing works, maybe whoever thinks this is a good idea should get their P45 too.
They are removing the bear because they want to save him from the destruction of Loggers Leap and put him back once they have built an RMC in it's place called either Twisted Logger or Wicked Log Jam.
Are Merlin going off water rides?

Loggers and the flume gone, rapids at Thorpe and Alton turned into lazy rivers.

Is it the weather or they're deemed not safe enough due to the lack of restraints?

Thorpe can do one. Loggers was a superb flume and an absolute classic. It's been rotting for years now after initially closing for refurbs - and they're still making jokes and teasers about it on social media. #banter.
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After Alton Towers removed their flume for a wooden rollercoaster, it'd be funny if Thorpe Park did the same thing... except on a bigger scale now Merlin have seen that the public do like wooden coasters and you don't need a gimmick.

In reality though they'll probably just leave Loggers to rot before eventually installing the Thorpe Park Dungeons...
After Alton Towers removed their flume for a wooden rollercoaster, it'd be funny if Thorpe Park did the same thing... except on a bigger scale now Merlin have seen that the public do like wooden coasters and you don't need a gimmick.

In reality though they'll probably just leave Loggers to rot before eventually installing the Thorpe Park Dungeons...
Remember that Thorpe's next major investment is due in 2020, though, so I personally reckon we'll be seeing stuff happen with Logger's or wherever Project 2020 is going by the time the park opens next season!

Which is apparently on 28th March 2019, by the way, with the season ending on 3rd November 2019! Nice to see Thorpe adding a few days onto the end of the season, in my opinion!
Well I should hope the end of season is pushed back given how late into March the start of season is. In fact there have been no days 'added' at all; the 2019 season will be the exact same number of days as this year (with more mid-season closures to be expected, of course).
Don’t forget the 28th day will just be where it’s open for general public. You’ve got Friends & Family day, then the passholder day etc.
I feel really disappointed with Thorpe and the Loggers Leap situation. Rides like Loggers should never just be left and abandoned for years with no work at all on the ride, and then the park to somewhat tease others the ride still being closed and it's 'rumoured re-opening'.

I really wish I could see its re-opening happening in years to come, but I sadly can't anymore, not with the current state it's in.

Come on Thorpe, prove me wrong and re-open that beast of a flume. I wish...
I think the first improvement this year needs to be their social media team. The are truly awful.

A quick off topic question, why were the trees by the rapids removed?
I think it was to improve CCTV and staff sightlines after the Drayton Manor incident so they can tell people to sit down.

Ahhhhhhhhh ok. I was trying to spot a pattern of things being removed along that side of the park to see whether the there was a correlation between that and the potential removal of LL. Also the cryptic clues appearing down there. I'm clutching at straws basically ha.
Which is apparently on 28th March 2019, by the way, with the season ending on 3rd November 2019! Nice to see Thorpe adding a few days onto the end of the season, in my opinion!
Correction; Thorpe themselves have put provisional dates on their website which state that the season begins on 29th March 2019 and ends on 31st October 2019.
I think it was to improve CCTV and staff sightlines after the Drayton Manor incident so they can tell people to sit down.

IIRC the trees were felled during the offseason before, but the reason remains the same (improved CCTV & staff sight lines), plus that area always seemed a bit dark and dingy, chopping the trees down brightened the area up quiet a bit.