Sorry I know it is taking the thread on a tangent but what on earth is going on in that diagram?
it is the lay out of the ride and queue, I am not sure how much about the ride you know, but for anyone who dosn't:
The ride vehicles are long and have 2 seating sections, each sections have 2 rows of 2 back to back and are able to rotate according to the computer (think spinball spinning section with a motor and some guns), these rotate as they go pointing the riders towards the screens where they shoot the parts (a screen in the diagram)
I will ignore the queue sections as that isn't important, there are different tracks, 3 of which are the ride experience tracks, there are 2 halls, one hall has the red track, the other is more complex

the easiest to understand is the red track the train will leave the load platform (it has a station similar to rita) and follow the red line round if needed a train can be removed onto the grey track, this is a stand alone ride essentially and think of it like gangster granny with screens and a different vehicle

the other hall is more complex, the vehicle will leave the load unload station (it has a station similar to the smiler) and it will follow the green track to the first set of screens (towards the left/vehicle storage), this first round is shorter and introduces the game, it then travels to either the blue or yellow track depending on which is available, there it then stops at each screen to do the round, on the last set of double screens it moves through to allow 2 vehicles in one section as the last section is a bit longer, then both yellow and blue track merge onto green and the final screen shows the a bonus and to the station, the purple loop is the disabled access station and grey track is the vehicle storage.