Alastair said:
AshleeKel said:
Something I noticed in a Guardian article concerning The Wombles:
"We have plans for two new 26-part TV series, a feature-length movie and an interactive Womble World experience," announced Batt.
We know the 2014 development is a British IP. The Wombles, in all honesty, are quite appealing, and could attract families that grew up with them as well as kids currently watching it. Combined with a relaunch, this could work.
Obviously, there's no indication that they are indeed talking about Towers. But taking what we know into consideration, there's always that possibility.
I think it's more likely to be for Pleasure Island's planned 4D cinema for next year, especially by the wording. I highly doubt they'll go for the Wombles as an IP, it's just not popular enough.
But isn't that the trick with park IPs? I remember Wardley talking about this before, saying how it's all well and good going with something popular now, but by the time you've done all the planning, and actually built the thing so much time can have passed that you've completely missed the boat, and have a very expensive, unappealing area.
Parks need to look ahead to predict where things may be in the future. The Wombles may not be immensely popular right now, but this upcoming relaunch could do big things for the brand. Just look at the likes of Dr Who. A program which left TV years ago, to be relaunched years later. Now it's a vastly successful brand, appealing to both the older generations who grew up with the show, as well as introducing new people to the brand, and making them loyal fans.
Obviously, I'm not saying that The Wombles is what I expect to see, though good find Ashlee! However, upcoming relaunches etc can be a good hint of things to come I'd say. Networks and studios wouldn't relaunch a program for the sake of it, unless they expected to see some return or impact.