TS Member
Its clearly not a safety thing as when I went 2016 and multiple times 2017 scarefest they had staff directing people to queue on the stairsI wish I knew where they got this idea that stairs are bad from, "You can't get people to queue on stairs, it's dangerous!" followed by "Let's have a scare maze in the towers with ancient uneven stairs and chase people up/down them". Also the Nemesis queue line is full of stairs, loads more hazardous than the level, same-sized concrete steps inside the Smiler/Thirteen etc.
They do the same on Saw at Thorpe Park now - hold you outside the building, then let about 30 people through at once for a climb right to the top. Worked a lot better letting people queue indoors. Can you even imagine how the queue would work on Revolution if Merlin ran BPB?!
I was expecting that with the removal of Smiler's SRQ they'd join the fence going up the stairs with the fence by the baggage room to stop people switching sides and just let them queue up through the normal routes.
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