Just because someone sits on a stall
@Matt N in front of you and proclaims all their manifesto commitments are costed (through borrowing) does not make them honest or trustworthy.
For instance Labour have this hidden "financial transactions tax" in their maifesto that will affect people on pensions most since most pensions are invested in the financial services industry, this is deep in their manifesto that will result in pensioners who have a pension of more than £20k paying an extra £1000 a year in tax, now you could easily argue that the transaction tax is payable by the pension fund manager and this is correct, however if anybody considers for one second that the pension fund manager won't pass on that tax to you in charges they either don't understand how the financial services industry works, or are delusional.
That's just one example of "honest" Labour.
As for the greens, don't get me started on them, if their driving force was honestly for a cleaner planet they'd be campaigning for our energy needs to be met by nuclear power which is 91% efficient but no they want us to spend billions of £££ that we don't have on an inherently inefficient wind and solar power production that is not only less than one third of the efficiency of nuclear but more damaging to the local Eco system (my friend works on a wind farm and his first job each morning is to go round and pick up all the birds killed by the turbines), or other "green" energy such as electric cars that have aweful efficiency and have a very dirty manufacturing process compared to their ICE counterparts. Oh and they wouldn't keep banging on about eliminating carbon dioxide emissions because every first grader knows we need that otherwise all the trees, grass and other vegetation die, which in turn means we die because that's how we get our oxygen.
So you'll excuse me that I'd rather cut off my own arm with a razor blade than consider voting for either of these delusional liars
Of course, this is not to say any of the other parties are any more honest, in fact your reaction to them is a fine example of why 16 years olds cannot ever be allowed to vote, no life experience is the saying I think, my son is nearing 16 and I can categorically state without any hesitation he is neither experienced or mature enough to vote in an election, and neither are any of his classmates either.