Good day today! Fairly quiet, even the Smiler had only a 5 minute queue at lunchtime.
Nemesis on one train, which meant it had a 15 minute queue at one point.
Wicker Man late to open, and it was only on two trains. Can i whinge about the pre show please? Took about 10 minutes to get from the baggage hold to actually having a ride. Just missed a preshow- the door shut as i rushed towards it. So had to wait for a cycle. But the queue for the ride was snaking bacl to the preshow room, so the door couldn't be closed until it had gone, which led to a rather long wait until the preshow could start again.
Then, because it was only on two trains, it took me a long time to get from the preshow and onto the ride.
The 45 minute queuetime was accurate, until the baggage hold - it as 55 minutes until i actually got on the ride.
i, for one, don't mind those days when they miss out the pre show.
On a side note i put aside my usual aversion to flatrides and did funk n fly and Spinjam - and enjoyed them both