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[2024] Thorpe Park: Hyperia - Mack Hypercoaster

I had heard a rumour that the closure last week was something to do with installing wheel heaters on the brake run, though I've no idea if there was any truth to that at all.

I was briefly in the park last week but aside from seeing some matting (presumably for a crane) outside the ride entrance I wasn't able to see if any work was going on as I was passing.
they already have these in the station
Maybe they could switch them on....? Seriously if that's the answer then they really are FUBARed. Perhaps they can put "Fred Flintstone" accelerators in the seats and ask everyone to pedal. I can see a £3m re-design of parts of track on the cards...

Or maybe they could make it a bit higher, rather than the 1ft above BPB's TBO.
I’m really losing patience at the maintenance issues Hyperia is having now. I’m supposed to be going Friday, which is the 3rd time I’ve rescheduled because of the rides downtime and it’s looking likely i’ll have to reschedule again.

Any likelihood that it will be open again by the 4th? Dying to get on this ride but been plagued with such bad luck so far!
I’m really losing patience at the maintenance issues Hyperia is having now. I’m supposed to be going Friday, which is the 3rd time I’ve rescheduled because of the rides downtime and it’s looking likely i’ll have to reschedule again.

Any likelihood that it will be open again by the 4th? Dying to get on this ride but been plagued with such bad luck so far!
I don't see why it shouldn't open on Friday, assuming that they have retrieved the stranded train by then and the weather is ok. They may open it on one train until the second train is back on the circuit.
They probably have a crane company on speed dial with how much they've needed cranes so far this season!

Clearly not good, but this will continue to happen when conditions allow for it. Not ideal for Thorpe Park.

To be fair Merlin will probably welcome having a legitimate reason for a major attraction to be closed.
I think if they manage to get the valleyed train off the track this afternoon and tonight they will test it alot during the day, maybe open it mid afternoon ready for the press event?
I’m really losing patience at the maintenance issues Hyperia is having now. I’m supposed to be going Friday, which is the 3rd time I’ve rescheduled because of the rides downtime and it’s looking likely i’ll have to reschedule again.

Any likelihood that it will be open again by the 4th? Dying to get on this ride but been plagued with such bad luck so far!
If I remember rightly, the previous rollback also happened on a Wednesday (19th June) and it didn't reopen until the following Saturday (22nd June); however - I believe that the difference last time was that the crane possibly didn't arrive until Thursday, whereas it sounds like the crane is already there today? If so, then this hopefully means that the ride will be reopened by Friday (on a single-train operation, at least)

P.S. If anybody here goes to Thorpe Park when/if Hyperia runs a single-train operation this weekend then can somebody take a note of which train is running? (I think that the train number is printed on the side of the nose, but I'm not sure). There is a rumour going around that one of the two trains is more unreliable than the other, although I don't know if this is true because I haven't been able to find out which train was running during the single-train operation on the 22nd and 23rd of June!
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How can one train be more unreliable?? Unless there's an issue with the wheels?

Not experienced it yet, but don't they have 3 trains (one spare) so they can run 2 even with one off-track..? Maybe they should change the name to Hype-"diahor" - roea
How can one train be more unreliable?? Unless there's an issue with the wheels?

Not experienced it yet, but don't they have 3 trains (one spare) so they can run 2 even with one off-track..? Maybe they should change the name to Hype-"diahor" - roea
Nope, it's fairly unusual (especially within Merlin) to have more trains than you can physically run at once.

Sensible for maintenance etc. yes, but economically not viable.
P.S. If anybody here goes to Thorpe Park when/if Hyperia runs a single-train operation this weekend then can somebody take a note of which train is running? (I think that the train number is printed on the side of the nose, but I'm not sure). There is a rumour going around that one of the two trains is more unreliable than the other, although I don't know if this is true because I haven't been able to find out which train was running during the single-train operation on the 22nd and 23rd of June!
I remember 23rd June (Golden Day) was when they got the train back on 2 train operation as they were testing two trains extensively with long stoppages that morning.
How can one train be more unreliable?? Unless there's an issue with the wheels?

Not experienced it yet, but don't they have 3 trains (one spare) so they can run 2 even with one off-track..? Maybe they should change the name to Hype-"diahor" - roea
I wouldn't expect this rollback to be caused by the unreliability, but it isn't impossible (although on a new ride I wouldn't expect it) for instance seat sensors playing up, seat electronics playing up, and more. For reference galactica has a lot of computers on its trains and it is easy to see how one its trains could be less reliable, then with similar concepts expand that to other rides.
I wouldn't expect this rollback to be caused by the unreliability, but it isn't impossible (although on a new ride I wouldn't expect it) for instance seat sensors playing up, seat electronics playing up, and more. For reference galactica has a lot of computers on its trains and I would expect one of its trains to be less reliable
That doesn't track. The 'computers' you mention aren't standard computers at all, but rather PLCs - very standardised and generally reliable pieces of kit. They'll also be programmed identically (save any train-specific identification of course), and so you wouldn't expect any variance in reliability between trains.
That doesn't track. The 'computers' you mention aren't standard computers at all, but rather PLCs - very standardised and generally reliable pieces of kit. They'll also be programmed identically (save any train-specific identification of course), and so you wouldn't expect any variance in reliability between trains.
It isn't the computers that make it unreliable, more the addition of sensors can mean more chance for an error to happen, for instance the smilers computers will shut the ride down if someone holds the restraint down when entering the station.
It isn't the computers that make it unreliable, more the addition of sensors can mean more chance for an error to happen, for instance the smilers computers will shut the ride down if someone holds the restraint down when entering the station.
Oh yeh absolutely, but again you'll have the same setup on each train, so you'd expect the same reliability (or unreliability) across each.
Oh yeh absolutely, but again you'll have the same setup on each train, so you'd expect the same reliability (or unreliability) across each.
then you have Galactica's issues, where some differnce makes the sensors not pick up the locking bars, or the motor not fully lock and cause a long time for dispatches as they get all the sensors reading locked.