Whilst I wasn't at the concert, I was on park to endure the longest queues of the season so far (I think). and I did take some photos, mainly from behind the stage area.
firstly the stage area from ths skyride, Blurriness is due to the sky ride glass.
The humongous queue
Somebody famous I assume
Nice bike
Cool boxes (this is what the famous people arrive in. some assembly is required allegedly.
Some screaming fans that were allowed back stage were extremely disappointed when they realised Motorhead weren't playing.
Testing Testing 1 2 3
Roadies for Drizzle Di**s could actually play.. ... .. at least 2 notes anyway.
Famos people still being interviewed
some of the entourage for the famous people (or maybe these are famous people too) (I was really jealous of the black dudes huge....... .... .... {answers on a postcard}
Some free range famous people
More free range famous people
Reason why free range people were leaving the Smiler was that Lee was evacuating the ride
Huge queue now cleared leaving a swath of excess litter. My one real criticism was the slowness to get this cleaned. This image was taken over an hour after the queue had cleared.
Maybe famous people, I started loosing interest in asking who was and wasn't famous near this time.
Maybe famous?
One of them didd take his shirt off so must be famous.
Waving famous people.
Bloke at back realises he should be waving. He needs work on his being famous skills.
Real instruments being removed from the stage when they realised they weren't needed for backing tapes (oh and those famous people again)
The new park entrance was being guarded by Shaun
Is this guy famous? He had a camera to record his ride.
Some famous people that we turfed off the Smiler. Allegedly that is Drizzle **cks (who had just been ordered to remove his R hat) and Onion J.. All I am going to say is all these B***dy Que Jumpers need evicting from the park.
This guy is so famous that have to keep him famous.
Urm not sure what these guys were doing but people with that expression are normally on their knees. Maybe they were practising.
More famous people.
Crowds still look smallish from this side
And I will leave you with a picture of the most famous beings I saw. The Ducks, These were so famous they were surrounded by sparkling lights.