Just a quick note on this topic, and arguments on here in general.
I like a good argument as much as the next guy, but there has to be some rules before hand. I'm can understand how this topic has turned personal, due to opinions of the phone, but just because someone else has a different opinion to you, doesn't mean you should show any disrespect to them. I feel that this topic is a couple more posts away from aggression and public insulting.
I have to agree with what Gary says, but even if the topic is on something as emotive and argumentative on something like that, that doesn't mean the etiquette should change at all. People need to accept that on the forum, and in life in general, not everyone will support your point of view in a argument, and therefore, you may not understand why they think something. That means you shouldn't disrespect them because of their beliefs, as their beliefs may be as strong as yours- and therefore- they may feel insulted by your response, and may go be led to aggression.
If there's a topic on something that some members may feel strongly about, (eg. religion or homosexuality) there's nothing wrong with others opposing your view, as they will always be people like that. Deal with it.
Let me give a example:
The religion topic on TTF was running smoothly, until a few members decided to go publicly against religion. There's nothing wrong with this, as their arguments were fairly inoffensive. It was only when those for religion felt that their beliefs were being attacked, when the topic heated up. However, I'm not suggested that those who were against religion were the cause. I think, both sides of the argument created the heated debate (which led to public slanging), as people are too closed-minded and stubborn to hear out the other side of the argument. Apologies if I offended anyone with that statement, I hope you agree we all do it sometimes (I certainly am very stubborn at times).
Arguments are much better when emotion is left out, and opinions are used as little as possible. Factual evidence is the best form of arguments. To highlight a good argument, in this thread, I think Scott's post gives a very convincing point of view, with some good facts, lack of bias and well-natured language.
Well, apologies for going hugely off topic, but I feel that healthy debate is what this forum lacks, due to fear of upsetting people's beliefs.