TS Member
I get you are quite left leaning Jamie, no issue with that.
But you do know that people are allowed to have different political views ?
We aren't talking about a fringe far right/left group here, this is the democratically elected government that won by a political land slide. And as @rob666 has said, the Thompsons have always leaned more to the tories over the years.
I could undertand your frustration / anger if the park were giving VIP access to Nigel Farage or some other fringe political party.
You may disagree with Tory policy (fair enough), but I can think of plenty of other things to lose all respect for PB about (cough - WildMouse), other than them inviting a few government MPs to the park for a couple of hours.
It's more that I feel that parks going down the political route wrecks the magic and escapism that these places are meant to provide.
A lot of people have been hurt by Boris Johnson and the Tories over the course of the pandemic. Many of these same people will step through BPB's gates to try and escape from the real world for a day.
People need places like Pleasure Beach to escape from reality now more than ever, and this political stunt feels ignorant of the pain, suffering and hardship that people have gone through over the pandemic at the hands of Boris Johnson. It doesn't align with the park's values of "happiness" and "making adults feel like children again."