Nobody knows. All the non-geek GP I know, know about Wickerman, they have no clue there's another new ride at BPB.
Have to agree. I only know about Icon because of this forum and other theme park related content that I follow.Nobody knows. All the non-geek GP I know, know about Wickerman, they have no clue there's another new ride at BPB.
Must have been spent on the media event. Didn’t someone say even their own in park radio doesn’t advertise the ride?They claim to have spent over £1m on advertising.
If you're the same height as me and found Big One's cars uncomfortable, and your 6'1" cousin could barely fit, then I really worry for my 6'6" dad...Remember, Blackpool also has a lower capacity than Towers and I'd say over 700 is great there. Only bad things are a wait for 12 trains on icon feels the same as a wait for 3 on Nash, so it makes the other rides seem even slower. Also, last time I rode the big one it felt really smooth, rode icon beforehand yesterday, hopped on the big one and its seats are poorly designed, my back barely fits in the gaps in the seats, Nd they aren't comfy, my feet don't fit comfortably on the floor and I'm only 5'7, my 6'1 cousin could barely squeeze into and out of the train, and afterwards the contrast between the two coasters made me feel like I needed a Chiropractor.least fun ride I've ever had on it, and the Nash is more comfy, and actually a top coaster for me.
Make sure you sit in the front of a car, loads more leg room than the 2nd and 3rd rows.If you're the same height as me and found Big One's cars uncomfortable, and your 6'1" cousin could barely fit, then I really worry for my 6'6" dad...