TS Member
Gosh. Comments seem to have gone down like a lead balloon with some people.
I am absolutely certain it will be a brilliant ride, one of the best coasters in the UK. It is an excellent ride for the park. I am an absolute Mack fanboy so can't wait to see it open.
I just hope that die-hard BPB fans, who like these rough and ready coasters, like it too! I am only basing my thoughts on occasional scanning of BPB forums over many years and gauging that one of the things that isn't liked is the smoothness of many coasters at other parks. This will be silky smooth.
I like a lot of 'rough and ready' coasters and can take most of what the woodies throw at me, though I'm not crazy about Infusion's headbanging.
I think it's high time BPB got a smooth coaster. Would people really complain that a coaster is 'too smooth' ?