TS Member
Problem solvedAnd then there are those with no mobile at all.
Problem solvedAnd then there are those with no mobile at all.
Don’t you find it strange that this has happened now? These places haven’t stopped at all, in fact they were busier than ever, Wales was supposedly two weeks behind so in theory locked down at the point most commentators said the U.K. should of yet still is getting these big flare ups but not England?
At this point in the cycle lockdown doesn’t work, test and trace does.
It’s almost like you have a personal problem with wales or it’s lockdown.
That's the worst reason I've heard yet for easing lockdown restrictions. I'm sorry that the Welsh government are putting people's lives ahead of your property.Your right I do, when your paying 500 notes each month to keep a very expensive toy in a marina in North Wales and some jumped up grandpa is playing politics with your access to it forgive me for getting a little wide about it.
You have just basically summed up some people’s reaction to this lockdown in the whole of the uk. It’s a me me me situation to you, you dont seem to care about the situation or how it’s affecting people. All you care about is the fact it’s affecting you. Well I’m sorry that our government tried its best to contain it but it’s happened now.Your right I do, when your paying 500 notes each month to keep a very expensive toy in a marina in North Wales and some jumped up grandpa is playing politics with your access to it forgive me for getting a little wide about it.
That's the worst reason I've heard yet for easing lockdown restrictions. I'm sorry that the Welsh government are putting people's lives ahead of your property.![]()
Having only been to Wales a few times, you'll know the situation better than me. But keeping anyone (not just the English) away from beauty spots is probably a wise move just now! They'll want to avoid the crowds like at Durdle Door and everyone flocking to climb Snowden again.If anything, as suggested by a work collegue of mine, who lives in Wales, the harsher restrictions in wales are more about keeping the English away from their tourist hotspots than having any concern for the peasants. This is coming from a born and bread Welsh man.
They also tend to follow the English restrictions (or lack of) anyway, as they know there is no enforcement. They know they most likely not get stopped if they dare to venture more than 5 miles from their house, but anyone travelling in a car or on a bike that flags up as being registered in England and is more than a few miles from the border is fair game.
It’s been said from the start of the 5 Mile rule it’s to keep the infection at bay and not spread it far and wide. So it’s not just stopping English tourists it’s stopping welsh tourists and Irish tourists etc. The intentions was good and it worked in affect.Having only been to Wales a few times, you'll know the situation better than me. But keeping anyone (not just the English) away from beauty spots is probably a wise move just now! They'll want to avoid the crowds like at Durdle Door and everyone flocking to climb Snowden again.
I think it’s going In about 3 weeks or something just before they open some holiday let’s.The 5-mile rule is apparently going from 6th July in order to encourage tourism, according to Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford, so that should be interesting!
Having only been to Wales a few times, you'll know the situation better than me. But keeping anyone (not just the English) away from beauty spots is probably a wise move just now! They'll want to avoid the crowds like at Durdle Door and everyone flocking to climb Snowden again.
Of course, though it's probably best to wait until fewer people have the virus first.Problem is, whenever these beauty spots do eventually open, they will be crowded anyway!
Postponing the inevitable!
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That's the worst reason I've heard yet for easing lockdown restrictions. I'm sorry that the Welsh government are putting people's lives ahead of your property.![]()
Also only works if you have an official tracing app installed, of which of course there isn't currently one in the UKThe system only currently works if you have Bluetooth enabled meaning that in order to be of use everyone would need Bluetooth on which could then cause other security issues.
Am I the only one not bothered about shops open or even pubs and restaurants? Shops open in Wales today and I have no interest whatsoever. I recognise of course that there will be people that value things like this to get out of being stuck inside for months.
I'm more keen on tourism opening back up, and want to see 'social bubbles' expand to allow for close friends or family.
I imagine government will have to allow for other households to meet in pubs and restaurants as that will be the primary drive for people wanting to visit these types of businesses.
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