Hancock's attack on young people was not the way to go.
The government pushed its eat out to help out scheme and the population went along with it (the young disproportionately so). Pubs were packed over the past four weeks. This is the most significant factor in the rise in cases.
Yet the government blames the young as a scapegoat for their own policy.
Couldn't make it up, honestly.
Agreed, using emotive terms as don't kill Granny (I assume Grandad can't catch Covid then?) is not the way to engage with people. He is just basically treating people like children. What happens then is, people will behave like children. Matt Hancock is not fit for the role he's in coming out with quotes like that, especially after he is part of the government that encouraged these people to go out in the first place.
Only in the UK can the Government encourage everyone to go out and socialise, pay towards it (and the people that are most likely to go out and socialise are the young, especially after being denied their friendships and relationships for so long), then suggest that those very same people are Granny killers.
Also, the Government have a policy?

It seems to be bow down to what the baying mob on Twitter or Karen from Facebook wants in an effort to be popular.
Governments world wide now are caught between a rock and a hard place. We have the likes of New Zealand that have effectively shut their borders and are pretty much banking on Covid being elimated by use of a vaccine. If not, as soon as they reopen then it will run rampant through a population that has pretty much 0 herd immunity. They are effectively delaying the inevitable.
Other countries had some quite strict lockdowns and are now back to where they started in terms of daily infections, though death rates are still very subdued. But we, and other countries can't afford another lockdown. There is little appetite for it now amongst the general public, despite what the keyboard warriors like to portray. You can see this out and about on a daily basis, with talking to friends and work friends etc.
Social distancing started to break down mid June, and it was inevitable, as it is simply an unatural thing for anyone to do on a long term basis. Even us introverts like some close interactions at times and enjoy spending time out with a small group of people. Anyone expecting this to still continue in any form long term is in for a surprise.
I did read a few weeks ago about a doctor was asked why the Influenza season was pretty much none existant this winter just gone. The response was that one of the reasons (NOTE not the only reason, another being lack of socialising due to lockdown), becuase those who would of died of Influenza had already died of Covid instead.