Welcome to my world
Just have to think.
Everyone is a potential threat
Don’t leave the house
Bleach everything
I don't think quite like that, but I must admit that it's a bit concerning when you keep hearing a combination of morbid news headlines, talk of people being locked inside their houses and people buying toilet rolls in bulk! I think part of the reason why I'm so anxious and overwhelmed by it is because it's still very much an unknown risk. There is of course a chance that anything could happen when I step outside my house in the morning, but I don't even think about that for a millisecond because it's very much a known risk, and something I've grown up not even thinking about or hearing about. Coronavirus, however, is being thrown at us constantly, and it definitely makes you think more.
@Matt N i totally agree this is bloody scary.
being ill doesn’t phase me - I think and hope I am young enough and fit enough to fight it.
It’s the disruption in our lives and the not knowing when it will end that worries me
I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who's concerned, and I think you've hit the nail on the head as to why I'm worried about it.
Getting it and getting seriously ill from it (or even dying from it) is quite low down on my list of concerns to do with the outbreak. I am of course a little worried about it, but it's quite low down on my worry list currently. If you look at the data, the number of cases in 10-20 year olds is significantly lower than in most other age groups, and the death rate in my age group is only 0.2%. I have no underlying health conditions, and as for the disease; if the "mild symptoms that 80% get" they're describing are accurate, I think I've had worse bouts of hay fever in the past. Of course, there are young, healthy people being majorly affected by coronavirus, but I think they are the exception as opposed to the rule; as with any disease, there are always outliers. Of course, if I do end up getting it badly, then I'll get a lot more nervous, but for the time being, it's quite low down on my list of coronavirus-related worries.
However, I'm very scared about the side effects (pun not intended) that this outbreak could have on my life and the rest of the world in general over the coming weeks and months.
If the warnings about the whole country getting locked down like in Italy and China end up coming true, then I've never experienced anything this in my entire life, and I'm very nervous as to what life will be like. Quite frankly, I feel for all those in majorly affected regions, because I imagine it must be terrifying.
I'm also worried about the threats of another global recession, and what that could mean for our day-to-day lives.
But on the whole, I think a lot of my anxiety about coronavirus stems from the fact that I'm one of those people who's very much liked certainty and knowing what's going to happen throughout my entire life, so the uncertainty of the whole situation makes me very, very anxious. I sincerely hope it ends soon, and for a little positive reassurance, we all know it will end eventually, but the thing that scares me is the not knowing. It's just all getting very overwhelming, and I find it very hard to escape at times.