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Coronavirus - The Poll

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Thats what I mean, totally different mentality. Despite the draconian measures imposed by the state in China, most felt a duty to stay in and protect the vulnerable in their country. In the West, an i'm alright Jack mentality tends to exist
My friend lives in Milan, he says the quarantine is a joke, they've been told stay indoors unless they need food, then you can go to the shop. That's not quarantine, that's what we've been doing for the last month, quarantine is when you are locked in your house and not allowed out.

My son's school sent a message out yesterday saying "your child's education is important, don't keep them off school unless they are really ill, if we have a Coronovirus confirmation, the school will remain open and you will be expected to send your child to school, remember their education is the most important thing in their life at the moment".

I sent a one line response "a good education is no good if you're dead" it was kinda tounge in cheek, but the point still stands.

I just got absolutely roasted on another forum for saying that I intended to go flying tomorrow evening like normal , would go Friday too and would go on holiday as planned in a couple weeks and the only thing that would stop that is if the country was on lockdown or I contracted Coronovirus, aparantly I am being selfish and irresponsible with that attitude and I should cancel my holiday immediately and not go flying at all. Like @pluk and @GaryH im fairly sure I had this back in January too, I'm kind of wondering where all this hysteria is going to end tbh.
Question: if your insurance would give you your money back for your holiday, would you still go, or cancel and go once this is all over?
Thats what I mean, totally different mentality. Despite the draconian measures imposed by the state in China, most felt a duty to stay in and protect the vulnerable in their country. In the West, an i'm alright Jack mentality tends to exist
If I understand, you're proposing a complete lockdown of the country with everybody effectively under house arrest?

That is a complete non-starter.

Let's imagine everybody is forced to stay in their home, and then we need to just allow a few exceptions...

  1. Doctors, nurses and hospital staff obviously need to work.
  2. Similarly, we still need police, fire and ambulance because emergencies will still occur
  3. Since we're all stuck at home, we need people to either cook food or bring it from a supermarket, so we still need delivery drivers, and we still need people to supply the food items through the supply chain (lorry drivers, ports, stock and manage warehouses etc)
  4. Since we've got all these vehicles on the road, we need to refuel them, so we need forecourts and tanker deliveries.
  5. We're also going to need to have recovery people available if any crash or breakdown, and we'll need places that can repair them so we still need some garages
  6. What about the people in care and nursing homes, or need care at home? So we need carers to be mobile too
  7. What if the essential staff above don't have a car? Do we use taxis, or buses and trains? If we need trains then we also need train drivers, guards, train maintenance staff, signallers and people to manage the infrastructure. If buses then we need bus drivers, somebody to coordinate them and people to maintain the buses.
  8. What about utilities? If people lose electricity, or gas or water that could be dangerous to people's health, so we need to have staff to fix them, dig up the roads etc
  9. What about if your toilet blocks, the boiler breaks or there's a water leak? Surely this is important enough that we need people who could sort that?
There are many other examples to the above. What you are suggesting simply is not workable.

The closest you could come is require everybody works from home (if their job means it is possible), ban social gatherings and public events, close most public places and ban all travel except for those essential examples above. Effectively it's a "best endeavors" lockdown.
If I understand, you're proposing a complete lockdown of the country with everybody effectively under house arrest?

That is a complete non-starter.

Let's imagine everybody is forced to stay in their home, and then we need to just allow a few exceptions...

  1. Doctors, nurses and hospital staff obviously need to work.
  2. Similarly, we still need police, fire and ambulance because emergencies will still occur
  3. Since we're all stuck at home, we need people to either cook food or bring it from a supermarket, so we still need delivery drivers, and we still need people to supply the food items through the supply chain (lorry drivers, ports, stock and manage warehouses etc)
  4. Since we've got all these vehicles on the road, we need to refuel them, so we need forecourts and tanker deliveries.
  5. We're also going to need to have recovery people available if any crash or breakdown, and we'll need places that can repair them so we still need some garages
  6. What about the people in care and nursing homes, or need care at home? So we need carers to be mobile too
  7. What if the essential staff above don't have a car? Do we use taxis, or buses and trains? If we need trains then we also need train drivers, guards, train maintenance staff, signallers and people to manage the infrastructure. If buses then we need bus drivers, somebody to coordinate them and people to maintain the buses.
  8. What about utilities? If people lose electricity, or gas or water that could be dangerous to people's health, so we need to have staff to fix them, dig up the roads etc
  9. What about if your toilet blocks, the boiler breaks or there's a water leak? Surely this is important enough that we need people who could sort that?
There are many other examples to the above. What you are suggesting simply is not workable.

The closest you could come is require everybody works from home (if their job means it is possible), ban social gatherings and public events, close most public places and ban all travel except for those essential examples above. Effectively it's a "best endeavors" lockdown.

Well said. It's just not doable. Our best option is to protect the vulnerable and have them stay indoors and clean our hands and be cautious. You can't stop this virus. It will stop when it wants to.
Well said. It's just not doable. Our best option is to protect the vulnerable and have them stay indoors and clean our hands and be cautious. You can't stop this virus. It will stop when it wants to.

actually what was stated is doable. And we can cancel all flights in to the country that are ‘consumer related’
From the BBC:

Mr Hancock continues: "We do not expect numbers to peak in the next fortnight, we expect numbers to continue to rise after that.

"And the peak would be in a matter of a couple of months, rather than a matter of a couple of weeks.

"This is a marathon and not a sprint."
I must admit, I'm genuinely starting to get more and more terrified as the days go on. There's now rumours going around in our school that we might be shutting for Easter 2 weeks early due to coronavirus, even though there are no positive cases in our school yet.

I also saw a headline saying that the upcoming period will be "like nothing seen in this country since World War 2", which is quite worrying.

I hope that it's all over (or at least, kept under control to a degree) before too long; as stupid as it sounds, I'm starting to get incredibly anxious about it, but I almost don't want to admit I'm anxious about it for fear of being mocked, as among all of the people I talk to, I feel like I'm the only one who's even remotely concerned about it. I'm finding everything all very overwhelming at the moment; all the uncertainty, the morbid headlines, the panic buying, the threats of major lifestyle changes. I know it's a major issue, and I'm far from the most affected or at risk, but I almost feel like it's all starting to get a bit too much for me. It's even starting to invade the very things that I look at to try and escape these sorts of things; it seems to be the only thing that anyone wants to talk about at the moment.

On a lighter note, it's really good to see that they're upping the amount of people they test each day. That should help mitigate the spread of the virus to a degree.
Maybe it's the fact that E3 usually requires a lot of planning and organisation, and if they're all off sick for 2-3 weeks then it means they can't organise it as well?

Or the number of people who didn't wash there hands until covid-19 came along put them off.
@Matt N i totally agree this is bloody scary.

being ill doesn’t phase me - I think and hope I am young enough and fit enough to fight it.
It’s the disruption in our lives and the not knowing when it will end that worries me
Welcome to my world
Just have to think.

Everyone is a potential threat

Don’t leave the house

Bleach everything
I don't think quite like that, but I must admit that it's a bit concerning when you keep hearing a combination of morbid news headlines, talk of people being locked inside their houses and people buying toilet rolls in bulk! I think part of the reason why I'm so anxious and overwhelmed by it is because it's still very much an unknown risk. There is of course a chance that anything could happen when I step outside my house in the morning, but I don't even think about that for a millisecond because it's very much a known risk, and something I've grown up not even thinking about or hearing about. Coronavirus, however, is being thrown at us constantly, and it definitely makes you think more.
@Matt N i totally agree this is bloody scary.

being ill doesn’t phase me - I think and hope I am young enough and fit enough to fight it.
It’s the disruption in our lives and the not knowing when it will end that worries me
I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who's concerned, and I think you've hit the nail on the head as to why I'm worried about it.

Getting it and getting seriously ill from it (or even dying from it) is quite low down on my list of concerns to do with the outbreak. I am of course a little worried about it, but it's quite low down on my worry list currently. If you look at the data, the number of cases in 10-20 year olds is significantly lower than in most other age groups, and the death rate in my age group is only 0.2%. I have no underlying health conditions, and as for the disease; if the "mild symptoms that 80% get" they're describing are accurate, I think I've had worse bouts of hay fever in the past. Of course, there are young, healthy people being majorly affected by coronavirus, but I think they are the exception as opposed to the rule; as with any disease, there are always outliers. Of course, if I do end up getting it badly, then I'll get a lot more nervous, but for the time being, it's quite low down on my list of coronavirus-related worries.

However, I'm very scared about the side effects (pun not intended) that this outbreak could have on my life and the rest of the world in general over the coming weeks and months.

If the warnings about the whole country getting locked down like in Italy and China end up coming true, then I've never experienced anything this in my entire life, and I'm very nervous as to what life will be like. Quite frankly, I feel for all those in majorly affected regions, because I imagine it must be terrifying.

I'm also worried about the threats of another global recession, and what that could mean for our day-to-day lives.

But on the whole, I think a lot of my anxiety about coronavirus stems from the fact that I'm one of those people who's very much liked certainty and knowing what's going to happen throughout my entire life, so the uncertainty of the whole situation makes me very, very anxious. I sincerely hope it ends soon, and for a little positive reassurance, we all know it will end eventually, but the thing that scares me is the not knowing. It's just all getting very overwhelming, and I find it very hard to escape at times.
I mean, I'm not currently panicking so much that I don't leave the house or anything. I still go to school on a daily basis. I still go places within my local area. I'm scheduled to go to Alton Towers on 28th & 29th March, and provided the park is open, I still intend to go. Frankly, I think it might offer a nice distraction if the park's open!

I just think that all the uncertainty's getting to me somewhat. It's just all so overwhelming.
I must admit, I'm genuinely starting to get more and more terrified as the days go on.

We get scare mongering like these ever so often. When I was your age, it was the threat of war with Libya, we had the worry of the Gulf war, twice..

We had the salmonella egg/chicken scare, we had the Mad Cow disease scare, legionnaires, SARS, Foot and Mouth, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Ebola, IRA bombings, the list goes on....

Stop worrying, I've family that both fall into the old age group as well as with underlying heath problem.

You need to get back to your old positive self. Here is some positive news about this virus

We get scare mongering like these ever so often. When I was your age, it was the threat of war with Libya, we had the worry of the Gulf war, twice..

We had the salmonella egg/chicken scare, we had the Mad Cow disease scare, legionnaires, SARS, Foot and Mouth, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Ebola, IRA bombings, the list goes on....

Stop worrying, I've family that both fall into the old age group as well as with underlying heath problem.

You need to get back to your old positive self. Here is some positive news about this virus

That piece of news is good news; thanks for sharing @RoyJess! Proof that anyone can recover from this virus regardless of age!

As for my current level of worry; I've always liked to think of myself as a positive person, but I'm also a worrier, and I have been for pretty much my entire life. In a situation like this, where the information is coming at you constantly from all angles, I find it all a bit of an overload at times.
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