Funny how a large number of things that so called conspiracy theorists were talking about last year appear to no longer be conspiracies though eh?
“The virus was man made in a lab in Wuhan”...
“Lockdown one will result in lockdown 2,3,4 etc”...
“Vaccine/Covid ID’s/Passports will be rolled out “...
“Children will be vaccinated”...
Yes,I’m aware that the things listed above aren’t exactly wild conspiracy theories but they are all things that were regularly dismissed throughout last year.
I’ll stop short of mentioning any of the 4G nonsense talk but things like “The Great Reset” and “Agenda 2030” are arguably no longer crazy conspiracy theories. They are openly discussed public initiatives backed by the most powerful people on the planet. Google them if you are short of some nighttime reading
Anyways,I’m off to read Klaus Schwab’s new book which is aptly titled “Covid-19 : The Great Reset”..whilst wearing my tin hat of course!
Those are not conspiracy theories, all of them have been serious areas of debate including the lab theory. The multi-lockdown theory was the most obvious to happen as pandemics are nearly always experienced in 3 to 4 waves of infections.
There is a difference between “conspiracy theories” and points of debate. 5G chips in vaccines is a conspiracy theory, a communist regime developing a virus is an unproven but legitimate concern (I personally am not convinced but it wouldn’t shock me if it turned out to be true).
Mandatory vaccines, make me think it’s a movie!
The government henchmen kicking down your door with a big needle in hand!!
Just remember we are not sheep! But if you need to go out to a pub this weekend (crazy right) then you can’t stand up from your table and sing or dance, that’s illegal. Baaaaaaa
But if you are at the g7 Cornwall meetings you can’t stand up without wearing your mask but sitting in the chair directly behind allows you to remove it!
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Has anyone kicked down your door and given you the Hep B vaccine? No because you either don’t work in health care or you do and opted to have it.
Has anyone kicked down your door and forced you to have Hep A or yellow fever vaccine? No because you either haven’t travelled to a country that require those vaccines are you opted to have it.
Forced was the wrong word perhaps and should have been compulsory instead. It’s starting to happen. Care home staff must now have the jab or find another job. Talk of front line NHS staff being compulsory to have it. Talk of only people who have had the vaccine being allowed to travel.
So yes while it’s not yet compulsory for children to have it, and little mention of that happening…. Yet…. It may in the future who knows.
The heart swelling issue in young people has been in the media lot , for example
Anyway point I was trying to make was that I don’t think we know enough about the vaccine yet to roll it out to all ages of children.
And yes I do acknowledge this May or May not happen!
Past vaccines are assessed based on the number of doses given. Normally to get to the key numbers (millions of doses) it takes years as we don’t tend to deploy vaccines very quickly, in most ways the current Coronavirus vaccines are more scrutinised that anything we have seen recently.
Short term side effects are caused by the bodies immune response and these tend to be short lived. Long term you would be more concerned about the additives rather than the active ingredient and none of the vaccines are really using novel additives so they have long term safety data for those.
As far as the heart issues potentially seen with Pfizer it’s certainly very possible but last I checked the numbers where too small to be of concern and few cases resulted in major harm (heart swelling isn’t unheard of in young men anyway and they normally have mild symptoms, unlike the clotting issue with AZ in the young).
It is possible that there could be a longer term complications but no drug gets that sort of data until after licensing as your talking 10-20+ years and the need for millions of doses to get that sort of confidence that no long term effects are seen.
Because it’s a vaccine that’s been produced in the last 18 months that hasn’t been fully verified(but certified to be safe)
I keep coming back to this, if you asked the general population” how may people die a day in the Uk” they would have no idea of the figure. You ask the same people if they think that 10 or 15 people die of covid is excessive then they would say yes.
Aprox 1000 people die a day!!!!!!!!
In an average year 10k to 20k die of flu
We need to get a grip.
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Let’s have the same conversation in 12 months
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Flu deaths are a tricky one as it rarely actually directly kills people (unlike Covid), it usually kills by causing pneumonia. In 2019 there where 1,223 deaths attributed to the flu alone (source ONS).
If you add pneumonia into the mix you get closer to the magic 30,000 deaths you mention (26,398 in 2019 to be precise). But the Flu isn’t the only cause of pneumonia (pretty much any respiratory virus can cause it if you are frail enough) so multiple virus’s are only achieving 26,398 deaths yet Covid is in the hundred thousand.
So unfortunately Covid isn’t comparable to the flu, also the flu vaccine we give to people every year has less testing than any of the Covid vaccines. We have no choice as the flu virus mutates too quickly.