I think forcing children to have the vaccine is worrying. We don’t know the long term effects of these vaccines yet and won’t know for at least 10 years particularly in less developed bodies. Only now we are learning about heart swelling in young people having the vaccine.
I think forcing children to have the vaccine is worrying. We don’t know the long term effects of these vaccines yet and won’t know for at least 10 years particularly in less developed bodies. Only now we are learning about heart swelling in young people having the vaccine.
They are not saying that yet, but I’m sure by September they will be offered.Where was the suggestion it would be forced?
They are not saying that yet, but I’m sure by September they will be offered.
More concerning is the jab for jobs ie employers not recruiting if you don’t have the jab.
Anyone else a little freaked out by a government making the care home industry jabs compulsory?
Forcing someone to have a jab sounds, mmmmm
For that industry it makes sense I think. Pretty sure there are other jobs where vaccinations are required already?More concerning is the jab for jobs ie employers not recruiting if you don’t have the jab.
Anyone else a little freaked out by a government making the care home industry jabs compulsory?
For that industry it makes sense I think. Pretty sure there are other jobs where vaccinations are required already?
But your argument about the care home surely applied to kids in school, if they have been proven to spread and seen as a risk by the government then your argument would mean that kids would not be allowed in school to get an education.Offered is very different to being forced to take the vaccine. That's the difference
If I take a job as say a forklift driver, I am required to do training to minimise the risk to myself or others. If work with children, I require background checks to minimise the risk to those children.
If I work in the care home industry, requiring a vaccine to protect my residents is a measured response to the harm the virus can, and indeed has caused them in this past year. Employment in the care sector is not a right, and there are alternative options of employment if someone did not want to have a vaccination. That sounds harsh, but consider this - why should one employee's personal belief to not have a vaccination potentially put tens of people in one care home at a substantially increased risk?
But your argument about the care home surely applied to kids in school, if they have been proven to spread and seen as a risk by the government then your argument would mean that kids would not be allowed in school to get an education.
As a human living in a free country everyone HAS the right not to take the vaccine, right or wrong you have a right. Take that away and you might as well live in China.
How can you discriminate the population who don’t want to have it, you can’t, not yet but that’s where we are blindly heading.
Yes I know the blokes a nob but this is the way we are going, if you think this is ok then you are wrong
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Stand up for you freedom! It’s nice to have such a compliant population. I will get them to fast track your covid passport!!!It's hardly the same. Craig even said those who don't want to be vaccinated could take employment in other sectors where there is no such requirement.
They wouldn't make it a condition of being schooled because there is no alternative choice.
Stand up for you freedom! It’s nice to have such a compliant population. I will get them to fast track your covid passport!!!
Just confirm you are happy with no jab no job policy??
Let’s see what happens in September with the schools.
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Who said anything about a vaccine passport for abroad, I was thinking closer to home.Cheers, dying to get myself away anyway. As I've already confirmed, if businesses want to impose a policy, then they can do so providing:
Obviously if people don't like that, then either as customers vote with your feet, or as employees find a job opportunity elsewhere.
- It's within the law
- There's a reasoning given for why that is a requirement (i.e. they're working in close contact with others)
- Those employees have access to vaccines (i.e. at present under 25's can't get it)
- There's no medical reasoning for the employee not to have it
I'll get them to fast track your tin foil hat.Stand up for you freedom! It’s nice to have such a compliant population. I will get them to fast track your covid passport!!!
For jobs where not having the vaccine puts others at risk, totally.Just confirm you are happy with no jab no job policy??
For jobs that put others at risk?? Who decides that?I'll get them to fast track your tin foil hat.
I don't agree that everybody should be forced to get a vaccine, but those who choose not to shouldn't expect to be on a level pegging with those who have.
Getting a vaccine lowers your risk to yourself and wider society. Those who don't get a vaccine are therefore a higher risk and should expect to jump through more hoops (such as testing) to negate that risk to others to the same level.
For jobs where not having the vaccine puts others at risk, totally.
Who said anything about a vaccine passport for abroad, I was thinking closer to home.
But if you do decide to get on a plane you might enjoy
North Korea
You and astly would fit in nicely with conformity
Anyways just busting yer balls and shaking the pop bottle all good!!
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You can drive with your examples as you don’t need to prove that before you get in the car.You conform to things everyday, don’t pretend you have some idealistic independence from government regulation.
For example you can’t drive if you don’t have a license, have drunk alcohol, taken drugs, can’t read a number plate at 20 feet, have recently had a seizure or get caught speeding multiple times. Is the nation acting like sheep for following those regulations? No.
Life is full of rules and regulations, in the most part these are to protect society. The totalitarian regimes you quote control people for their own personal power, not to protect society as a whole.
When the government was shutting down parliament in 2019 that was a worry, vaccine policy is not.
Protecting societyWould you be happy having to show you NHS QR code to get into a supermarket or a cinema or pub?
Is that acting like sheep or protecting society?