I think what has happening, as with every one panic buying bog roll more people panic more people buy..
the same has happened with world governments.. one goes into lockdown and the rest panic and lock up their people.
Oh absolutely, it's like none of them want to be the one to say let's not panic just yet, see how things go, no need to lock down the country if you control the flow of people into it properly, i wonder if we had closed our borders when everybody was begging to be locked up (yes looking at you BBC) whether it would have made a difference, after all in the beginning, every case could be traced as being imported, and to those that say we can't close the borders, yes we can, the rest of the world has had no problem doing it - we are laughably one of the few that still has virtually no border control.
Boris started with this relaxed attitude, then something changed, I said previously he never gave the public shaming of what happened at the weekend chance to work and overreacted, now we've got to spend the next 12 weeks inside as a result, even before the announcement Monday this social embarrassment was working and there was a marked reduction in people out than had been on the Sunday because as evident by my neighbour, those that were not taking any notice of the "advice" are still ignoring the law now.
It's what day 3 of "lockdown uk"? and people are already starting to loose their shyte and grasp of reality, just had this woman screaming abuse at me and my wife becuase we stood too close to her, we were about 5 and a half foot from her outside the coop and couldn't get any further away becuase doing so meant standing in the (still busy) road, she took our photos and said she was reporting us to the Police, which is pointless becuase we were wearing face masks which concealed our identities lol.
I told this woman that I didn't think five inches was going to make much of a difference if I had it and coughed, and if she was that concerned just move away and I'm sure the boomer on the other side of her would accommodate her as I wasn't going to stand in the road so she could have her 2 meters of safe space, he laughed and told her to stop overreacting and that was like someone flicked s switch, bareage of abuse, screaming, crying, was told I was being irresponsible for being outside etc. which everybody found highly amusing, so I simply waved the prescription bag in front of her and said I didn't have a choice but to be out (we had to go to the chemist to collect becuase we are not in the high risk group to get a delivery) etc.
If this is what people are like after 3 days because someone dares stand FIVE INCHES too close I dread to think what the end of next week is going to be like, let alone in 3 months time.
To top it all off? When I eventually got in the co-op she was at here checkout standing next to the counter, she went to start again and I just pointed to the floor and said "social distancing" - she was completely ignoring the lines on the floor, but hey, it was her getting too close to someone else this time, so I guess it didn't count....
Stop the world, I want to get off.
@robb666 I'm not sure what you would consider a lockdown to be then, but I consider having my freedoms to do as I wish outside of my own home curtailed to be being in a lockdown, fact check: I am not allowed to go for a drive in my car for no other reason than driving the car, so I am therefore "in lockdown", saying I'm not, won't change the fact.