Question is, which looks worse; this or LVW's?Admittedly it does look better on the website than it does posted here in isolation but still not sure I am a fan at all. Very basic and kiddified.
What the heck is that thing!?We appear to have a rebrand.
Admittedly it does look better on the website than it does posted here in isolation but still not sure I am a fan at all. Very basic and kiddified.
It will probably take years for this new logo to replace the old one at the park. There are hundreds of posters, signs, banners etc dotted around the park with the current logo on. Heck, the logo they had before the current one can still be seen around the park in some places.
Lets see it!Honestly, I could wrap up a better logo then that on Adobe Illustratior in less than 4 hours.
Don't have Adobe sorry :/Lets see it!
The new logo looks alright on the website but not really very good in isolation. Is it just me who thinks it looks like a toys R' Us logo? I don't think it's dreadful but I think they could've done better. Drayton definitely needed a rebrand but I think doing it mid session is a bit strange.
Off topic but Uncle Ben's didn't change logo, that is still the same, the brand name has changed to Ben's Original and they removed the picture of Frank Brown. The blue text on orange background remains, just now reads Ben's Original.This is a trend hitting brands all over the world. Pringles and Uncle Ben's are some of the latest to get this.
Hey Drayton, we found your new Marketing Designer!