Thats a photo also from the Duel revamp when the windows were taken out for works. Not sure why they were taken out though
I highly doubt those 2 Duel construction photos (from the park's own archive) or those views behind the scenes were originally published with permission, but whatever
I gave credit of where was known to my knowledge. Regardless, I would counter argue about permission because I have used them in an educational setting - purely by chance may I add. The text I have written is educating people about the in's and out's, quirks and such of the attraction. That a lot of people do not know about the attraction. Therefor, my use of the images falls firmly under fair usage - this does extend to using them online in an educational setting rather than an institution such as a school, which also does not have to explicitly be an educational website either. Given the nature of this forum, a lot of educational and informative news pieces are written by the team and members alike. Further supporting my fair use argument in the setting where I have posted it. News is another area where it could fall under fair use. The wording in copyright law and fair usage is very ambiguous and open to interpretation on purpose. So that it can fit and mould to peoples needs. It was designed to encourage sharing after all, not hinder it!
That said, if someone really had an issue with me posting harmless photos for peoples enjoyment and it really kept them awake at night, I am not unreasonable and I would remove them and respect their wishes. I am here to build bridges and share a passion with like-minded people, not burn bridges and make enemies, so I would absolutely act on any request regardless of what I believe to be fair use or not. I would just do it out of the notion of being good towards other people. Anyway, that is enough of that. This is not the place for copyright law discussion but I feel that needed to be addressed.
Very interesting that you mention about the photo being from the refurbishment and not from construction. I wonder what they were doing when they removed them. As the screens were added on the opposite side if I remember correctly?
Interesting about the Duel CCTV, I suspect one of the advantages of having a centralised system, is that all CCTV can potentially be monitored at all times from any place. The only issue being, like yesterday, when the network goes down, it all goes.