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Nemesis Reborn: General Discussion

For those interested, I rode Nemesis Reborn 3 more times today. That means that I’ve now ridden Nemesis Reborn, post-retrack, 5 times in total (if you include pre-retrack rides, my total is at 34, but as said, 29 of those were on the 1994-2022 version of Nemesis).

For me, this rattle is still completely benign, and not something I’d have noticed or commented on if it wasn’t being discussed so heavily. I hardly even noticed it for the most part, and I’d say that no ride I had today was any more rattly than some rides I had on the original. And I say that as someone who doesn’t have an overly high roughness tolerance. For what it’s worth, however, all of my rides were on train 1. I rode in row 6, row 4 and row 3, and all rides were outer seat rides.

Incidentally, today’s rides reminded me what an absolutely awesome coaster Nemesis is! Nemesis is an odd one in that I tend to do it down quite a bit when I haven’t ridden it in a while, but whenever I get back on it, I remember just how much I actually like it. It’s intense, forceful and thrilling while also not being excessively intense and being smooth, fun and rerideable, and some of those elements are just amazing! In particular, that whole sequence from the first drop through to the zero-g roll is just excellent; I can never fathom how it gains so much speed from such a small drop, and it just keeps building and building down through the helix!

Perhaps controversially, I’d actually say that I prefer Nemesis Reborn to the original overall. I think the theming and overall immersion factor of Nemesis Reborn is vastly superior to that of the original circa 2022, and in terms of the coaster itself, I think it seems to run faster and smoother. My main smoothness-related gripe with the original was that it had a tendency to bash your head a bit through some of the whippier inversions, and Nemesis Reborn has completely removed this, so I’m happy!
I prefer Nemesis Reborn to the original also.

I loved the original and it was the first really intense ride I’d ever done (Corkscrew was about the height of it before that) so it holds a lot of memories for me.

But at the end of the day change can be a good thing and I personally think they’ve done Nemesis proud, such a shame that DLP couldn’t do something similar with Space Mountain
Have we all given up with the waterfalls coming back on now do you reckon?

Or is it case they have ran out of funds for this year or parts obsolete like the rapid waterfalls so it’s a lengthy process perhaps.

I’m going with the latter - as I’m optimistic that they’ll come back in some form. Not red dyed though.

Question is - do they need to come back with what is now in place?
I’m going with the latter - as I’m optimistic that they’ll come back in some form. Not red dyed though.

Question is - do they need to come back with what is now in place?

Yes. For starters, they said they were going to do it. More than once. So they should follow through on that.

Considering there seemed to be a flurry of work, I wonder now if that may of been for Project Ocean rather than the water falls. Nevertheless it’s another one that’s gone quiet (a bit like fixing the trommel)
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This is really a tiny minor thing, but now I've noticed it I won't be able to unsee it so I thought I'd mention it here so you too can suffer.



They've used the standard Droid font for the new signs and not whatever was used for the previous logo, at least I've noticed it here and on the sign at the entrance to the queue. It's possible it was intentional (rights/licensing issues?) but...
Very valid point that. I’m no engineer but surely having water running constantly over concrete would lead to it ageing quicker?

Ah you mean just like how turbulent water flows around, over and inside the concrete channel and walls of the Congo River Rapids and has done since the mid 80's. 😉

I can't see it being an issue to be honest.

The waterfalls absolutely need to come back. They were so iconic.
Yes I was going to say lots of rollercoasters have their supports submerged in water. But it really would be the icing on the cake for nemesis waterfalls to be switched back for next season, alongside the new flat, potentially Galactica Re-theme and are we all accepting Rcade will remain as it is? I’m not quite sure on the rumours because they have recently added some new machines however you never know?
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Yes I was going to say lots of rollercoasters around the world have there supports submerged in water. It really would be the icing on the cake for nemesis if there were fixed for next season, along the new flat, potentially Galactica Re-theme and are we accepting Rcade will remain as it is? I’m not quite sure on the rumours on that one just because I’ve added new machines recently however you never know.

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I’d be gobsmacked if Rcade became anything other than an Arcade
are we all accepting Rcade will remain as it is?
We absolutely are. Beware of rumours being spread by people who earn their living or sidehustle from clicks and views.

The rumour only started because one of the forms in the Rcade planning application had a section copied and pasted from a previous application, which is often how these things are done. Unfortunately in this case it was copied and pasted from the Peter Rabbit Hippety Hop application and the reference to the operating booth wasn't spotted and removed.

In reality, if the Rcade was to change uses it would need new planning permission because the permission was specifically for an arcade. And even then, there's no real space or utilities for anything beyond a retail space.