Yes, this whole thing is somewhat worrying. Infact, the entire world situation is worrying and it seems to me that its only a matter of months now before the next world war. Why do I think this?
Well firstly the recession - every world war was preceeded by a big recession, and there is nothing better than a good old war to get economies moving again
Secondly, the USA is more hated now than ever, with failed policies in the middle east and the West disregard for any sovereign country and going in and bombing the hell outta it without UN approval has made many counties, including Russia, very weary.
Thirdly, Russia in particular feels threatened. The MAD treaty (Mutually Assured Distruction) betwween Russia and the US signalled the end of the Cold War and has been the basis of peace between each country. It meant that if the US, or Russia launched an attack, neither country would survive, so there was no point in doing it. The US however has built its missile interceptors, and worse still , positioned the radar bases close to Russia's borders, in countries which used to be part of the old USSR. Russia sees this as a threat, and believe it or not, many in Russia actually think the US will at some point attack.
Fourth there is the situation in the Middle East - Iran fears a US attack and is building nuclear weapons, Isreal is hated throughout the region, and countries are now more hell bent on destroying the West.
Fifth, the South China Sea, disputes between Japan and China, quite heated at times, thats a tinderpot waiting to explode.
Sixth we have of course Argentina, just waiting to reclaim the Falkland islands
And then lastly we have N Korea - again, made to fear the US by the US themselves. N Korea knows that if they launched an attack on the South, or the US, that it would ignite a global war. China, while voting against N Korea at the UN this week has stated they still support and stand by their closest ally ( - which means when the US responds to a N Korean attack - China will too.
More worrying, China and Russia have made drastic improvements to their military. The west, with its recession, has made cuts. We dont even have aircraft carriers anymore!!! I read in one article that if Russia wanted, it could quite easily invade the UK, and there would be nothing we could do about it.
I dont feel confident despite NATO, that in WW3 the west would be the victors. I think Russia and China combined have enough hatred of the west, and firepower at their disposal to have a clear victory and change world order (something which the US fears the most).
Its worrying times indeed, the world is indeed a very dangerous place at the moment - so live for each day because you never know what is going to happen tomorrow......