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Secret Weapon 7 Discussion

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Just wondering where they will store the track with car park J and K probally being for scarefest. Would like to see some track being put up by the end of the season:)
"Trucks are now on site and concrete is being poured!"


Hooray! :D
Really can't wait to see some track! Just wondering if anyone knows the track width yet? Stupid Question I know, but wouldn't the track width give us some info on the cars? (I know your probably laughing at me right now)
I'm guessing the rebar is going to be used to form the footers in the chamber. If so it doesn't look like there are going to be too many...
Looking at the hight of the back wall of the pit... how the hell has it not caved in given all the rain we've had?!?
Maya said:
Really can't wait to see some track! Just wondering if anyone knows the track width yet? Stupid Question I know, but wouldn't the track width give us some info on the cars? (I know your probably laughing at me right now)

I would of thought the track width will be the same as any other Gerstlauer Eurofighter ! I also think the cars will be the usual 4 wide, maybe just a little longer for a higher capacity and throughput :)
Alton might have asked for a 12-seater car, perhaps a significant part of the budget has gone into new train design. They won't consider Saw-style capacity of barely 1,000 acceptable for this.
I think Tim posted a few pages back that he has heard that the cars are going to be the standard Eurofighter (two rows of four seats) ones. I don't think he mentioned anything about whether there'll be lapbars or not.

I'd have liked to see two of the Eurofighter V2 (as seen on Dare Devil Dive in the US) cars (two seats by three) joined for 12 riders per train because the normal Eurofighter cars are just so small and... well... a bit naff looking, tbh. Whizzing around in a shoebox-sized car doesn't exactly look or feel very thrilling. :p
Just to whizz back to all the speculation about what the world's first feature is; am I the only one who would honestly prefer to see nothing? If it's a trick track, it's likely to result in downtime, reduced capacity etc. for very little gain. I just feel that they should concentrate on a highly themed, beautiful coaster rather than gimicking it up. ???
NastyPasty said:
Just to whizz back to all the speculation about what the world's first feature is; am I the only one who would honestly prefer to see nothing? If it's a trick track, it's likely to result in downtime, reduced capacity etc. for very little gain. I just feel that they should concentrate on a highly themed, beautiful coaster rather than gimicking it up. ???

A dark section with effects and maybe an inversion or two would be good, followed by a launch into that first lift.
But rotating track / world's first element etc just screams out 'teething problems & downtime' to me.
I don't understand this obsession with world firsts. Being the first to do something rarely makes it the best.
NastyPasty said:
Just to whizz back to all the speculation about what the world's first feature is; am I the only one who would honestly prefer to see nothing? If it's a trick track, it's likely to result in downtime, reduced capacity etc. for very little gain. I just feel that they should concentrate on a highly themed, beautiful coaster rather than gimicking it up. ???

I also dearly wish that they'd just build a solid coaster, concentrating everything on the design and reliability of it - like they did with Nemesis. Realistically though, we know that it will contain some kind of world's first/gimmick and it's fun to speculate about what that will be. At the end of the day, the track layout looks as solid as you could expect from a Gerstlauer in that kind of space, so I'm not too concerned about the possible world's first in regards to it detracting from the experience.
The Psychoaster said:
NastyPasty said:
Just to whizz back to all the speculation about what the world's first feature is; am I the only one who would honestly prefer to see nothing? If it's a trick track, it's likely to result in downtime, reduced capacity etc. for very little gain. I just feel that they should concentrate on a highly themed, beautiful coaster rather than gimicking it up. ???

I also dearly wish that they'd just build a solid coaster, concentrating everything on the design and reliability of it - like they did with Nemesis. Realistically though, we know that it will contain some kind of world's first/gimmick and it's fun to speculate about what that will be. At the end of the day, the track layout looks as solid as you could expect from a Gerstlauer in that kind of space, so I'm not too concerned about the possible world's first in regards to it detracting from the experience.

As you said, I really don;t think there's any need to worry.

This is, first and foremost, a thrilling, decent looking rollercoaster. Any weird additions are just a bonus.
Given it's been 10 years since we've had a Secret Weapon that is an all out thrill ride. I highly doubt there will be any major things to be disappointed with SW7. In terms of the ride, nothing can go wrong - it's only the theming and backstory that is really at risk of going wrong.
NastyPasty said:
Just to whizz back to all the speculation about what the world's first feature is; am I the only one who would honestly prefer to see nothing? If it's a trick track, it's likely to result in downtime, reduced capacity etc. for very little gain. I just feel that they should concentrate on a highly themed, beautiful coaster rather than gimicking it up. ???

Not the only one - ideally, I would love an out and out coaster. The plans show 8 inversions with a possible dueling element - whilst not "the worlds greatest coaster", I personally think that this alone would be a brilliant addition to the park. It would easily be the newest UK dueling coaster for quite some time - I dont even know of a UK inverted dueling coaster, though those with a better knowledge may correct me!

However, I do envisage something happening inside the building - Alton have always been proud of their installation of innovative coasters. If "all" we got inside was a hidden inversion a la Saw the ride I'd be happy, but the track record suggests there may be something special.

My favourite idea suggested so far has been the "hex effect" - a block section where the track inverts with an inverting room around it so everything looks normal but feels wrong. If this then dropped into an inversion the first lift hill / launch, this would limit the amount of things that could go wrong and be a good talking point.

Excited to see some concrete being poured. Do hope the time lapse camera gets set up, as I wont get a chance to visit this season to see things first hand.
rightbackgranty said:
NastyPasty said:
Just to whizz back to all the speculation about what the world's first feature is; am I the only one who would honestly prefer to see nothing? If it's a trick track, it's likely to result in downtime, reduced capacity etc. for very little gain. I just feel that they should concentrate on a highly themed, beautiful coaster rather than gimicking it up. ???

Not the only one - ideally, I would love an out and out coaster. The plans show 8 inversions with a possible dueling element - whilst not "the worlds greatest coaster", I personally think that this alone would be a brilliant addition to the park. It would easily be the newest UK dueling coaster for quite some time - I dont even know of a UK inverted dueling coaster, though those with a better knowledge may correct me!

However, I do envisage something happening inside the building - Alton have always been proud of their installation of innovative coasters. If "all" we got inside was a hidden inversion a la Saw the ride I'd be happy, but the track record suggests there may be something special.

My favourite idea suggested so far has been the "hex effect" - a block section where the track inverts with an inverting room around it so everything looks normal but feels wrong. If this then dropped into an inversion the first lift hill / launch, this would limit the amount of things that could go wrong and be a good talking point.

Excited to see some concrete being poured. Do hope the time lapse camera gets set up, as I wont get a chance to visit this season to see things first hand.

There is very little chance that they will put the timelapse up for public viewing until at the very earliest after opening in March. The codename does suggest whole project is supposed to be a secret at the end of the day - they won't want anyone to have any idea what's being built under the station until it actually opens.
The Psychoaster said:
here is very little chance that they will put the timelapse up for public viewing until at the very earliest after opening in March. The codename does suggest whole project is supposed to be a secret at the end of the day - they won't want anyone to have any idea what's being built under the station until it actually opens.

True - hopefully the excellent photography work we see during closed season from some members of the forum will satisfy those hungry for update pictures!

*cough* hint *cough* :p
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