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Thatcher's dead

The funeral is going to be embarrassing for everyone involved, it's just a bad idea in many ways.
DiogoJ42 said:
It seems the police have already started pre-arresting people they think might want to protest at her funeral

Police are braced for potential threats to the Thatcher funeral from far-Left groups, obsessive individuals and Irish dissident republicans.

Detectives are scouring internet chatrooms and social media networks for any hint of planned demonstrations and trying to identify individuals who may pose a threat.

In the past police have made pre-emptive arrests, but sources suggest that is unlikely unless there is strong evidence of crimes about to be committed.

Not quite the same thing, is it?
pluk said:
DiogoJ42 said:
It seems the police have already started pre-arresting people they think might want to protest at her funeral

Police are braced for potential threats to the Thatcher funeral from far-Left groups, obsessive individuals and Irish dissident republicans.

Detectives are scouring internet chatrooms and social media networks for any hint of planned demonstrations and trying to identify individuals who may pose a threat.

In the past police have made pre-emptive arrests, but sources suggest that is unlikely unless there is strong evidence of crimes about to be committed.

Not quite the same thing, is it?
He did say they've made pre-emptive arrests before, and that article, from a credible source, does state they have done.

CoasterCrazyChris said:
Blaze said:


That is a crazy thing to say, honestly words fail me.

They'd deserve it for this sick stunt. Hundreds of people, including civilians died in that war. A war themed funeral is sick.
Blaze said:
This is disgusting.

How someone who wishes dementia and death upon another human being can deem anything at all 'disgusting' baffles me.

I'm not sure if all those with such strong, pure hatred are genuinely distorted in their views, or if they're simply using hyperbole to make their point. Margaret Thatcher was re-elected twice; this means, as pure fact, that the majority of the public liked what she was doing. You can argue all you want about how she closed mines and stole milk but honestly, regardless of your political stance, somebody please tell me how it is possible that someone as evil as you're making out was so very popular with the public.
She didn't like the fact I'm alive.

If she had her way, the city of Liverpool would not exist. She tried to destroy the city, she protected the police and let the media call its people murderers. I can't forgive her for that. You don't have to celebrate, but we will.


Can't argue with that, can you.
OK, I disagree with him reversing Labour's policy of pacifism in the thirties, and it would have been nice if he wasn't so pro-nuclear bomb.

But that sort of gets cancelled out by, you know, the NHS, the teachers, the full employment and everything, don't you think?
Harvey. said:
Margaret Thatcher was re-elected twice; this means, as pure fact, that the majority of the public liked what she was doing.

Nope, doesn't mean that at all. We presently have an essentially unelected Government, and you don't need anything like a real majority to win the election. That's the abject stupidity of this system of voting. If you can reward enough, you maintain power - if you think you can't you shift some boundaries around to increase chances of success.

This is true of all parties and leaders - Mrs T no exception.

Also the themed funeral is a joke, for all those taking a punt a Blaze here, I do note the distinct lack of condemnation for such a crass thing. If you condemn his views, then surely you must also condemn Thatcher's actions and this style of action?

The irony of her receiving a state funded funeral isn't lost on here I'd hope too, given how incredibly wealthy her family and cohorts are?

I think some are simply using Blaze as an excuse here, I don't agree with the strength of his views personally, doesn't mean I do not understand why - much like I understand those who benefited will defend her, as right they should.

As in life, in death, she remains divisive.

Still, war themed funeral, state paid, and on leave soldiers being called in for it? Disgusting.
I note the Daily Mail headline ;D - when you agree with that rag, you need to start worrying ;)

Quality again from The Sun I note, the usual bastion of literary eloquence.

Interesting that though Rusty, and highlights once more just how she divided our nation.
Ok time to be serious for a moment.
My interest in politics started to wane several years ago after realising that UK political parties are primarily self-serving and will do, say, promote whatever’s needed to maintain public favour. It’s surprising to see just how much of a divide the issue of Thatcher brings when speaking to people. It’s even more unusual to see that it’s not necessarily a working/middle class boundary but runs within classes too.
Temporarily ignoring what initially happened to the job figures in the UK during her first term should she be considered a successful leader. Probably so, she helped stabilize the country and gained progress worldwide. The country became profitable again for 15/20 years, she brought inflation under control, won a war against an aggressor, helped end the cold war, won large UK concessions in Europe etc. I think history's generally accepted that she help achieve a lot for this country on the developing world stage. Everyone's issues seem to revolve around her first term in the UK when she hammered the unions and de-shackled the state from industry. This brought large scale unemployment and lots of families faced serious deprivation, the effects of which are probably still with many of them today. Was this necessary? Could it have been done in a more constructive/sensitive manner? With hindsight it probably could but at that time the country was in a stranglehold of the unions. The state was effectively running a welfare system through non-productive industry. Successive Lab/Con governments failed to govern the country properly due to union actions/threats. One things for sure, after her first term, socialism was finally laid to rest in this country (as in most other western countries) in favour of market forces. We've all benefitted from this through healthcare, welfare, schooling etc. which were probably only starting to realise now with the current crisis. Whether this was worth the high price paid by those families’ years back is something only they could probably answer.
In her final term it became clear that whatever strong leadership skills she had had now become a serious hindrance to the way the country was being governed. Her cabinet no longer operated and her policies towards the likes of Ireland were so entrenched that no workable peace could ever happen while she was in power. She’d become a tyrant who neither could, or would, accept her limitations.
So, was she good or bad for the country, possibly a mixture of both. Most strong leaders only come to power through desperate times (Churchill as another example), once that crisis finishes. Their dogmatic style that was their initial strength, often becomes there downfall.
Alastair said:
Nice to see Attlee's failures and Thatcher's successes on that list, you know, for balance.

As a Tory, everything on that list is one of Thatcher's successes.
Can anyone make sense of this?


The cracks started showing after Philpot, but now they're in full on meltdown mode.