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The I Feel Down Topic.

I feel sad all the time, every day. Even if I am sat with a glass of sparkling wine, I still feel sad, and that isn't right. I can't remember the last day that overall I would say I 'enjoyed'. Maybe Efteling in April? I might enjoy something briefly each day, a game of table-tennis or a good chapter of a book. But overall, whatever I am doing, I just feel so so sad all the time.

Parents ask me what I'm going to do next and I really have no idea. I don't know what I want to do at all. The only thing I can think of is that I want to earn enough that I can drink heavily every day if I want to. I'm not an alcoholic, I can go weeks without drinking. But I usually enjoy getting drunk. Maybe it'd be nice to have better long term goals, but all I can think of at the moment is earning enough to be drunk all the time, and drown out the sad.
That's not a good outlook to have Sam and I hope that your thoughts on the future turn brighter soon... I don't suppose you have any idea at all what is causing it? The root to the problem may not seem obvious but it is important to try and discover what's causing a problem in your life...

I don't have many down days, and I put this down to having a happy relationship... I don't mean to pry at all but is there anything relationship wise that could be getting you down at all?

Despite what I've said above, I do have similar thoughts to yours... I don't know what I want to do with my life. I do have basic goals but don't know how to achieve them. I feel like my degree may have been largely worthless and I don't see any current career prospects in my work. It's easy to be doom and gloom about these things but it's important to try and have gainable, short-term goals to increase your positivity - but goals that don't involve alcoholism.
mrbrightside said:
I don't have many down days, and I put this down to having a happy relationship... I don't mean to pry at all but is there anything relationship wise that could be getting you down at all?

The relationship I'm currently in is the best I've ever been in, of my four proper relationships. I think this is because it's open and I can sleep around, which was the problem for me with the previous three. I'm a slut. I like my boyfriend, and he comforts me. Like I said, it's the best state I've been in with regards to that specific area of my life, so it's not that no. :)

mrbrightside said:
That's not a good outlook to have Sam and I hope that your thoughts on the future turn brighter soon... I don't suppose you have any idea at all what is causing it? The root to the problem may not seem obvious but it is important to try and discover what's causing a problem in your life...

Never have up until this point. I've never been happy, but I suppose I could say I've been specifically unhappy since I was 12, or thereabouts. I think optimism is foolish - if I haven't been capable of happiness in the last decade, I don't see why that would change. I don't feel like it will change, because it's not rooted in circumstance. I'm not unhappy because I have a rubbish life, I'm unhappy for no reason at all.

It's like a permanent cancer, that will never loosen its grip. Except it's worse than cancer, because people are upset when they get cancer because they enjoy their life and want to keep on living. I don't enjoy my life and am not particularly enthused about the idea of continuing to live, though you have to stick at it for other people's sake.
My wife did not listen to me, to use her contract mobile to contact another mobile on the same contract. and rings a Premium rate bed side phone number, when her daughters mobile worked find in maternity ward.

now the £200 (usually £30) phone bill have gone out and left me with very little money for the rest of the month.
I feel like a beached whale. A fat beached whale. I can't stop thinking I am fat at 11 stone 12 lbs and 5ft 11. My BMI reads 23.1 but I am fat :( Ah well on holiday I ate 3 square meals not the usual one meal I eat so that is probably not helped it. Back to one meal it is :)
Please Tom, with a BMI like that you are clearly not at all fat, in fact it shows you're in good shape. Only eating one meal a day is extremely unhealthy, and means you won't get the nutrients you need to live. You won't get enough energy for the day, as well as lose concentration and possibly become depressed.

If you're worried about being fat, it would be much better to eat a balanced diet and do some exercise each day, eating only once, or even twice, a day is not good for you.
Tom, if you don't eat enough your body goes into survival mode and stores EVERYTHING it gets because it thinks it's being starved. You need to eat regular healthy meals. I'd love to be 11st, heck I'd love to be 15st again!!
I forced myself to eat two meals today (Woke up too late for Brekky). Damn it felt good.
I had a interview and assessment on Monday for a new job in London, and they both went really well. Today, I had to do the final stage, which was a telephone interview (I know it's normally the other way round, but this job is kinda hard to explain). I thought it was going quite well, until right at the end. The interviewer told me I'd find out how I'd done by either the end of today or Monday. I casually answered "I hope I've done well :)" (if you could add a smiley into a conversation I'd have put one there). His reply? ".............*really long pause*............ok".

Pretty much confirms I didn't get the job :(
I've got an appointment with an oral surgeon on Monday to go and have a discussion about getting dental implants, or dentures and the various options.
I always feel down after those appointments as I don't want to have my teeth removed, but I'm so sick of pain. There's still two years to wait until I can get implants, so if my teeth were to be removed, I would have dentures for two years.
Then the NHS won't cover implants so I have no idea where we'll get the money from for that.

I've been waiting sixth months to see the facial pain specialist already and I'm only half way up the waiting list.

That's my vent over.
Vicky said:
I've got an appointment with an oral surgeon on Monday to go and have a discussion about getting dental implants, or dentures and the various options.
I always feel down after those appointments as I don't want to have my teeth removed, but I'm so sick of pain. There's still two years to wait until I can get implants, so if my teeth were to be removed, I would have dentures for two years.
Then the NHS won't cover implants so I have no idea where we'll get the money from for that.

I've been waiting sixth months to see the facial pain specialist already and I'm only half way up the waiting list.

That's my vent over.

Vicky, I've had a Similar experience to you. I had a serious tooth pain for about 5 months and I couldn't stand it. Like you I didn't want my teeth removed but I had almost no choice, Tooth pain is one of the worst you can have and if you have the chance to stop the pain, do it! You will feel much better afterwards

I'm really, really worried about someone. But as that someone is a member I don't want to say any more, as it is not my place to air their problems on the forum.

All I will say is that if that person reads this, we are all here for you mate. *hug*
I am equally concerned :s If you ever want a chat or someone to vent to then please get in touch, you know who you are!
Likewise, you can always talk to me. I won't pretend to know who you are, or what your problem is, but if you ever want a blank canvas to unload your troubles on to, I'm here. Also, if you fany just a quiet hat unrelated to the issue, I'm here to take your mind off things. Anyhow, good luck and i hope things aren't too bad.
I can only really echo those above me.

I'm not sure who you are - but I'm always here if you want to chat - just send a PM my way and I'll be only too happy to listen and help :)
I leave Europa tomorrow to return to the UK. I'll just leave you with this photo of the view from Bar Buena Vista. (Sorry if it doesn't load.)


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I'm here to offer hard-headed, uber-practical, tough-love advice to anyone who needs an emotional cuddle. I *can* do emotions, but only in my ridiculous and unique way. Drop me a PM anyone!