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The I Feel Down Topic.

It's actually surprising how much good a break can do you! I came off work 3 months ago and it's taken this long to feel sort of sane again. With the myriad of pressures you face from all angles at your age Georgia, it's no wonder you feel that way! Try to make time to be alone and just relax, and make sure to vent at people (such as myself and Diogo) if needs be :)
After thinking how close scarefest is I realised how close it is to the end of the season feel bad because it only feels like its been a few weeks since the start they are going to fast
Most of you guys won't know me, I'm more of a reader than a poster, and never attended any meets but I've been around for a good few years now.

I've been feeling really low, stressed and emotionally drained for the past few months, and i don't know what to do. I'm only 15, and I'd rather not go into details about the cause of these issues but i just wondered if any you guys have any advice on how to perk yourself up when you're down.
JordanC, generally i would say you need to find a place away from your problems. Then if you can try to forget them (I know big ask) for a little while.

From personal experience of an ongoing stressful and emotionally draining situation. Find something that you enjoy and does not cause stress. I enjoy radio, listening to my local BBC station and using the radios I am licensed to use.

A break doing something you enjoy is really good for lifting the mood a bit.
Thanks Delta. :) I went for a long bike ride by myself today and it totally cleared my head and just generally lifted my spirits.

Tom, I feel your pain. :( I get my results too.
I've got my GCSE results, and they're ok, I've passed everything but I do feel a bit dissapointed. I didn't get an A* in what I wanted and more C's than I would like.

Five C's, three A's and three B's.
You both did fine :) all you really need is 5 A*-C and you both got that... Trust me, GCSEs are something that seem important right now but in reality, you'll forget all about them in a few months time.
I feel like I can't trust anybody nowadays... Every time I do put my trust in somebody, they throw it away.

I'm getting so paranoid. I can't accept somebody being nice to me because they want to, I always see it as they're mocking me, and they'll be relaying it to other people and mocking me on it.
Not so much down as worried, my sister is currently in New Orleans where Hurricane Issac is said to be heading at this moment in time. As far as I know she's safe with her friends (who she's been travelling with since the start) and Issac is much weaker than Katrina which hit several years ago but the idea of a family member being in the same area as an impending natural disaster is really frightening. She'll be okay, hopefully.
I'm sure she'll be fine Rowe. They are used to that kind of thing over there, and I'm sure wherever she is staying has a decent basement to hide in.

Random aside on the subject of Americans and high winds: Why do people who live in a place known as Tornado Alley build their houses out of wood? Have they never heard of The Three Little Pigs? Seriously, if they just invested in this quaint little invention called The Brick....
Feeling a bit meh/fed up recently.

Now got 12 days off but I hardly feel excited about it.

I go through happy bits but my baseline seems to be peed off. ???
Just started school again and have found out who some of my teachers are. There's a stressy one, a weird one...It's gonna be a long year. :(
I can understand the stressed one. but what wrong with the weird one, the one I had a school was so funny.